Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic eraRise of the Empire era
The author of this page is Ocarina451

Saesee Tiin was an Iktotchi Jedi Master during the waning years of the Old Republic.


Almost 40 years before the outbreak of the Stark Hyperspace War in 44 BBY, Master Tiin was on a mission to Corellia when he discovered a Force-sensitive human orphan named Kimo Elbar. To the taciturn Iktotchi’s (outward) annoyance, he was prevailed on by Kimo’s guardians to take the boy back to Coruscant and the Jedi Temple, hoping that he would be accepted into the Order.

Master Tiin soon returned to his solitary ways, but over a decade later he unexpectedly accepted Kimo as his Padawan when approached by the leading Council members, who were having trouble finding Masters who were willing to take on the rebellious initiate. Over the next ten years, a friendship grew grudgingly between the hardheaded Master and his equally stubborn apprentice, although it was constantly in danger of disintegrating due to their frequent arguments and Kimo’s habit of breaking various Temple rules whenever he felt like it. After his Padawan’s graduation and subsequent disappearance, Master Tiin was worried enough to search for him across many worlds, although all his leads sent him straight to dead ends. In the end, the memory of his lost apprentice preyed on the telepathic Jedi Master, and made him more reclusive than ever.

Several years after Kimo’s disappearance, Master Tiin was promoted to a position on the Jedi High Council.


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