Ladies, gentlemen and androgynous beings, I present to you; the Sabertrooper Project.
—Fleet Admiral Arius Valdayn
Sabertroopers, also called Sabretroopers, Saber Troopers or Sabre Troopers, were an elite unit of clone troopers devised by Arius Valdayn and created by Areana Ketar and Atheria Valdayn with help from Tyros Lykar and Hyperius Kaldex. The beginning of the Sabertrooper Project, as it was called, came in 19 BBY near the end of the Clone Wars to supply the ever-increasing demand for fresh troops for the Galactic Republic. However, knowing they would be unable to replicate the Jango Fett-model clones then in active service, the project's leaders instead turned to taking genetic samples from throughout the non-clone personnel of the Ninteenth Army and Fifteenth Fleet, both under the command of the project's head, fleet admiral Arius Valdayn. As a result, the Sabertroopers' manpower included a great deal of variety among their ranks, though their numbers were always kept to Humans and subspecies thereof, primarily including Ethereal Humans such as Arius and Atheria Valdayn.