Star Wars Fanon

Saalok was a swamp planet located in the Paluus system of the Mid Rim and Hutt Space. It was the homeworld of the Maluvirian species and a member of the Hutt Clan.


Saalok orbited two stars in the Paluus system, which was located in the Mid Rim Territories as well as Hutt Space and the Slice. The planet had three moons, which resulted in a long local day of 31.5 standard hours. It was also more massive than most habitable planets and as a result had gravity 1.2 times the standard force. Saalok had a Type I, or breathable, atmosphere, and its climate was generally hot with high humidity. Most of the terrain consisted of marshland which contained dangerous wildlife, including introduced dragonsnakes. This environment was ideal for the Hutts as it was similar to their homeworld of Nal Hutta.

Saalok was the homeworld of the Maluvirians, a Near-Human sentient species distinguished by their dark green skin, large size, and strength. They resided mainly in the continent of Maluviria, located in the planet's southern hemisphere, and were not known for being friendly towards outsiders.

Despite the Maluvirians being the only native sentient species, other beings constituted the majority of the population of Saalok. Saalok was a lawless planet, and the closest thing to a government was criminal organizations that forced people under their rule to pay "protection fees." Additionally, Saalok was a major slave trading planet where people were frequently bought and sold for various purposes.
