SPQM, an acronym for Senatus PopulusQue Morsianus in Old Morsian (translating to the Senate and People of Mors in Galactic Basic Standard) was a common emblematic phrase that first came to existence during the time of the First Morsian Republic. It was featured prominently on the flag of the first republic as well as all subsequent Morsian republics and successor states. It was also used outside of the republics in official letterings or messages to external powers.
Prior to the rise of the Senate[]
The idea of the Morsian Senate as the major ruling power of the Morsian state was never considered prior to the Third Morsian Civil War. Until that point, the Morsians had been ruled by either a chief, king or dictator, and while the Senate had existed since the time of the Morsian Kingdom it was limited in power. The main force and decision making of the state had always been in one higher power who could do, mostly, what they wished. The will of the people and, largely, Senate, was mostly ignored or relegated to discussion and advising.
By the time of the Third Morsian Civil War occurring, the Senate was quickly growing in power and standing with the populace. While this was largely inspired by a group of Sicc'orax Republic spies who had infiltrated the Senate with the aim of sowing dissent, the foundations had already been laid and existed long before the turbulence caused by the spies. The Senate, and therefore aristocratic senators, had had enough of being ruled by a higher power and so revolted. After successfully defeating the remnants of the Morsian Military Dictatorship, the Senate took over in a democratic republic.

SPQM appearing on the flag of the first republic
Under the first republic[]
SPQM was first documented with appearing with the first republic after it became stable at around 16,120 BBY. The acronym and accompanying backing image appeared on the flag of the republic, and was swiftly pushed to be associated with the Senate. Its symbolism was that the power was now held by the Senate who acted on the will of the people. The acronym spread swiftly, appearing somewhere in each settlement that the Morsians held, to make it a common thing to be seen by the populous.
- The acronym and wording comes from the real world Roman SPQR used often by the Roman Republic.