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The SE-14 is a fine blaster pistol, simple, yet effective, they may be basic, but that's what makes them cheap and reliable, the SE-14 can be used in all weathers and conditions and keep working, I've heard of SE-14s being caked in mud and still working.
—A Confederate States of Earth Quartermaster on the SE-14
The SE-14 blaster pistol, sometimes also designated the SR combat pistol and nicknamed the Separatist blaster pistol was a basic blaster pistol produced by BlasTech Industries. The SE-14 served as the standard side-arm of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and was the standard blaster pistol of the Confederate State of Earth forces, with more SE-14s being used by the Confederate States of Earth military than the popular DL-18 blaster pistol.
Consisting of little more than a tube with a grip and a small power pack under the muzzle, the SE-14 was a highly simplistic blaster pistol, these attributes made it cheap and reliable, SE-14s were known to keep working in all conditions, and kept running for many years if one kept it maintained.
Several different version existed, including a scoped version of the standard, commonly referred to as the SE-14 Scoped, the SE-14 Blaster Carbine a carbine version made by the Confederate States of Earth, which added a detachable shoulder stock, the SE-14C, which was a burst-fire/full-auto version, and the SE-14r light repeating blaster, which was used by some Stormtroopers and Imperial officers.
The Confederate States Armoury, the successor to the Techno Union Earth Division, also produced the SE-14C and SE-14r pistol following the removal of the Galactic Empire after the Second Earth Rebellion, the SE-14C was produced as the BMP-1 (I) (BMP standing for "Blaster Machine Pistol", in reference to the SE-14C's burst/full-auto fire capabilities, and "(I)" standing for "Imperial"), the BMP-1 came with a detachable shoulder stock in order to counter the SE-14C's fairly bad recoil.
In addition, the SE-14r was produced as the BMP-2 (I).