Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Legacy era

Viceroy, I am not sure this idea of me impersonating you to fool Lord Sidious is a real great one.
—Rute Gunnay before his death.

Rute Gunnay was a Male Neimoidian who served Nute Gunray (CISE) during the Clone Wars.



Rute Gunnay had been a commander for the Separatists during the entire war. But when learning of his master's betrayal he and the other Separatist leaders had enough. Gunray learned that Sidious was going to kill them all on the Mustafar system. So all the aides except Rune Haako (CISE) were sent to Mustafar disguised as the leaders. Gunnay went disguised as his leader.

Mission to Mustafar[]

The Death of Rute Gunnay

Rute Gunnay is killed by Darth Vader.

Gunnay and Lott Dod (disguised as Haako) arrived with the others. San Hill and Poggle the Lesser were the only leaders without aides similar to their appearances. When Darth Vader arrived he killed every aide saving Gunnay for last. Gunnay pleaded for mercy, but Vader slashed him in the torso. He survived by his brother Nemo.
