Rozytch was a male Verpine. In 1,390 BBY, he found himself in the uncomfortable position of being an honest being on Bogg 14, but he found work at Vikto's Speeder Parts and Repair. He worked diligently for Vikto Mooldun and became fond of his daughter, Nelsi; both learned the Verpine language so they could understand him, though they spoke Basic to him.
In 1,384 BBY, the Verpine Qerriz took refuge on Bogg 14 as bounty hunters and mercenaries attempted to collect an eight-figure bounty on his head. Rozytch, like all other Verpine within their telepathic network, attempted to protect Qerriz with information, but soon found himself in danger, as unscrupulous mercenaries planned to simply kill all Verpine on the moon and sort out their identities later. Jedi Tirien Kal-Di and Narasi Rican helped Vikto defeat a group of attackers, which led Royztch to persuade Qerriz to accept their help escaping Bogg 14.
Before Tirien, Narasi, and Nelsi could reach Qerriz, he was killed by mercenaries, and Kol'bui Lardt sent a signal to Argus Z'dar reporting her own impending death and failure to take Qerriz. Though Z'dar accepted Tirien's promise that Qerriz was dead, he did not believe Qerriz's information had died with him, and destroyed Bogg 14, killing Rozytch, the Moolduns, and everyone else on the moon.