Star Wars Fanon

Rothana Heavy Engineering was a shipyard that was made and owned by the Catpire. They built ships and fighters for the Catpire. It was located around Catoonie. It has allot of heavy defenses.


Rothana Heavy Engineering was a company that was started by the Catpire. During the First Battle of Byss, the shipyards were busy making a new fleet. Soon, it was finished and sent off to Byss, only to engage CIS and Republic ships. After the battle, the shipyards made more ships for the Byss fleet, sense the Republic wanted Byss back and the CIS wanted it to put more droid factories on.

After the fall of the Republic, and the dawn of a new empire, Rothana was by then bigger and mad emore ships at a time. Palpatine has made and alliance with the Catpire, although they still did not make ships for the Empire. The Rebellion considered attacking the shipyards and the Catpire, but decided not to. They saw them as a future ally.

During the New Republic era and the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the Catpire helped defeat them, and took back Coruscant, using the shipyards' ships.
