Rose Squadron, also known as Rose Wing, was a starfighter squadron that served within the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps led by a male Duros named Sur Marri as its Captain and a human female named Ruby Tachibana as its field commander.
Before being absorbed into the Alliance Starfighter Corps, the unit previously served as an independent rebel cell that operated out of the Nexus, a Clone Wars-era Acclamator II-class Assault Ship, and its members flew both T-65B X-wing starfighters and BTL-A4 Y-wing bombers. Members of Sur's militia were defenders of the Nexus from enemy boarding parties, and became Alliance Fleet troopers in 2 BBY.
Hunted by Annabelle[]
During the Galactic Civil War, the squadron had performed numerous successful attacks against the Imperial Navy, having struck several locations that were considered to be strongholds for various Imperial warships, including a shipyard above an Imperial world known as Sirona. These attacks caused the unit to become a high-value targets and were eventually hunted by Admiral Annabelle Nakamura, who was in command of the Fleet of Imperial Justice.
Despite its name, Rose Squadron was structured as a fighter wing, and thus consisted of three squadrons. The 1st and 2nd Squadrons flew T-65B X-wing starfighters while the 3rd Squadron flew BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers.
- Rose Actual: Sur Marri
- 1st Squadron
- Rose Leader: Ruby Tachibana
- Rose 1-2
- Rose 1-3
- Rose 1-4
- Rose 1-5
- Rose 1-6
- Rose 1-7
- Rose 1-8
- Rose 1-9
- Rose 1-10
- Rose 1-11
- Rose 1-12
- 2nd Squadron
- Rose 2-1
- Rose 2-2
- Rose 2-3
- Rose 2-4
- Rose 2-5
- Rose 2-6
- Rose 2-7
- Rose 2-8
- Rose 2-9
- Rose 2-10
- Rose 2-11
- Rose 2-12
- 3rd Squadron
- Rose 3-1
- Rose 3-2
- Rose 3-3
- Rose 3-4
- Rose 3-5
- Rose 3-6
- Rose 3-7
- Rose 3-8
- Rose 3-9
- Rose 3-10
- Rose 3-11
- Rose 3-12
- Star Wars: The Hunt for Rose Squadron (First appearance)