Star Wars Fanon

Romulus Fairfax was an Outer Rimmer partial Xavad who became close friends with Firmus Piett (LadyVader) growing up. He was one of the sons of Janus and Valara Fairfax.


Fairfax's mother was a dancing girl for 2 years in Jabba's palace, she and her sons, Romulus and Remus Fairfax had been caught while out in the desert on Tattooine.

Young life[]

Piett and Fairfax met in Jabba's slave compound under the palace as children. Piett and his mother Kaida had been caught not long after Qui-Gon's death.

Firmus had attacked the guards when they began punishing Kaida. The brothers saw this and told the guards to leave Firmus alone.

Romulus finally jumped into the fight himself and bit one of the guards.

After the insanity was over with and they were back in their cell, Romulus introduced Firmus to his blood brother, Remus.

Both brothers gave Firmus the Nexu nickname. All his life, Firmus wrote in a diary, he felt a kinship with the feline hunters.
