Star Wars Fanon

The base on Rinderga that you put under my control has been crushed by the Rebel scums.
Darth Nickal[src]

Rinderga was a planet that has little significance throughout the wars in the galaxy.

Geographic Features[]

Rinderga is a mountainous planet with a purplish hue. Native aliens called Besellians enjoy traditional events and have adapted well to their environment. Several creatures populate the planet, but the most fierce and known creature is the kell dragon which live deep within the caves. The Bessellians had often taken these creatures and tamed them similarly to the Witches of Dathomir training their Rancors. The Illusion Lake is one of the most famous areas on Rinderga where Besellian traditions are held. The planet appears a light purple from orbit because of its purplish colored mountain ranges on the surface.


Clone Wars[]

The surface of Rinderga became a war zone during the Clone Wars. The Separatists had sent a large fleet of capital ships to the planet that had greatly overwhelmed the Clones. The battle had been quick and the Clones were forced to surrender.

Galactic Civil War and Beyond[]

The planet was also used to hide an Imperial base during the Galactic Civil War, which was later destroyed a month after the Battle of Hoth.

