Star Wars Fanon

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Returning Shadows was an AU fanfiction that took place after Abeloth's "death" in Apocalypse as the noose of the Dark side begins to enclose around the New Jedi Order old and new enemies dating five thousand years begin to surface once again, it was the first of the two seasons in the Crawling Shadows series and introduced the Sith Hudor who was not as dead as the records claimed him to be, the Chiss Ascendancy send the Human-Chiss diplomat Iollar'eha'kallek to aid the New Jedi Order and Galactic Alliance against the growing Rebellion within their lands as a reward for retrieving Raynar Thul from the Killiks in the Reo system.


By type 
Characters Creatures Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea


Dramatis personae

New Jedi Order:

Galactic Alliance:

True Sith:

  • Sith Emperor
  • Lord Piras (Emperor's Executor)
  • Abeloth
  • Venku Skirata (Self-proclaimed Sith Emperor & failed Emperor's Voice)
  • Lady Irolia (Emperor's Voice)
  • Darth Margulis (Emperor's Wrath)
  • Darth Vassallus (Emperor's Fist)
  • Darth Infernus (mentioned)

New Rebel Alliance:

Other characters

New Jedi Order:

Galactic Alliance:

True Sith:

  • Lord Vigill
  • Emperor's Specter
  • Darth Praetor (Member of the Dark Council & head of the Sphere of Military Offense)
  • Vestara Khai
  • Aurra Sing

New Rebel Alliance:

  • Abeloth (manipulating the Rebels)
  • Vestara Khai (working for)



Third Galactic Civil War

  • Battle of Coruscant
    • Destruction of the Presidential Palace
    • Space Battle in the Coruscant system


Core Worlds


Inner Rim

Mid Rim

Unknown Regions

Wild Space

Outer Rim

Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels



Galactic Alliance:

  • Unity-class Star Battlecarrier
  • Republic-class Star Battlecruiser
  • Tranquil-class Star Destroyer
  • Trident-class Star Cruiser