Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

The Resurrection was a CR-20 troop carrier used by the 98th legion of the Grand army of the Reublic during the Clone wars.


Resurrection was assigned to Clone captain CC-2604 and Jedi Pixadia Quen for a mission to the planet Lok in 19 BBY and was used to transport their squad of 7 clones including CT-9593 who acted as pilot for the ship.

The mission was a success and despite some loses the Clones and Quen captured their target, a Rodian pirate by the name of Maako Tetsu who was then confined to the ships prison room. However during the ships journey back to Coruscant the clones attacked Quen as part of Order 66 but were all killed and the ship was left in the control of the Jedi and the criminal, whom she had made an uneasy alliance with. The pair then piloted the ship to the planet Llanic and sold it there for 265,000 credits since it would be so easy to identify.

