Ressak Nahk was the son of Sith Lord Maichel Nahk. He himself became the Sith Lord known as Darth Cerroris. Thanks to research by Maichel Nahk, he was implanted with a midi-chlorian that divided itself about once every standard year. Ressak was born with only 9,500 midi-chlorians and had the altered midi-chlorian injected when he was 11. At the age of 25 he had almost 20,000 midi-chlorians. At 27 he had almost 50,000. His midi-chlorians started to disrupt his body systems as they multiplied, starting to affect him at the age of 29. He started to take injections to kill them off, but they multiplied too quickly. He spent much off his later years of life barely even able to stand. He died at the age of 33. In his short lifespan he had constructed a powerful empire, having reached up to 800,000 midi-chlorians.