Star Wars Fanon
Project Cruentus

I have sworn myself not to let my explosives be used for bad intentions...unless they involve KILLING PEOPLE! Nyehehehe...
—Req Makad

Req Makad was a Human warlord during the Cruentusian War, who eventually joined up with the Death's Tongue Militia and served as a field commander in it. During the days of the Infinite Empire, he had conducted anti-Rataka operations, and along the way he had gained an innate knowledge of explosives and chemistry. After the war, he and his followers set themselves up as a militant organization which terrorized various worlds, before he joined up with the DTM. Such was his reputation that it was rumored that he could level an entire mountain with one batch of explosive. However, he was slightly unstable, although his expertise in bombs and booby traps proved invaluable to the DTM. Due to scarring on his face which resulted from an accident in his lab, he often kept it covered.
