Star Wars Fanon

We resist the tyrannical behaviours of President Williams! As free citizens of the state of Morivania, let us reject Federalism, Centralism, and Tyranny! Let us birth a Republic of Morivania!
—John Frederickson, declaring the creation of the Republic of Morivania

The Republic of Morivania was a short-lived attempt in 24 BBY to create a Conservative Anti-Federalist republic within the Federalist heartland of the Union of Earth States.

The Republic of Morivania was declared by Anti-Federalists within the region of Morivania, in north-west Nortalia, a Federalist-supporting nation of the Union of Earth States, in response to the election of Centralist Richard Williams as the Union President. The declaration of the Republic began the Morivanian Rebellion

Following the election of Williams there were a number of rebellions within the Federalist stronghold nations by Anti-Federalists who wished to separate from the Union rather than accept Richard Williams as their Union President. This string of rebellions began with the Laralia Crisis, which birthed the short-lived Republic of Laralia.

John Frederickson and his fellow Anti-Federalists of Morivania gained inspiration from the Republic of Laralia in the creation of their own nation. A number of former Laralian rebels settled in Morivania at Frederickson's request, and helped him build his new nation. Morivania received moral support from the Traditionalists of the Western States Confederation, as Laralia had done.

Unlike Soutalia, which crushed the Republic of Laralia in relatively short order with military force, Nortalia took a more diplomatic approach to Morivania. The two sides met under truce and negotiated for a little over three months, as 24 BBY became 23 BBY Richard Williams was growing increasingly impatient at the continued existence of Morivania, which he felt represented a threat of further rebellions against his presidency, and once again viewing the republic as an attempt of Divide and Conquer by the Traditionalists.

Desiring to see his order restored to Morivania, Williams produced an Executive Order to force Nortalia to reclaim Morivania by force, with that, Nortalia invaded, under protest, Morivania, ending the young republic.

The conquest of Morivania proved detrimental to Federalist support in Nortalia, who were angry at the militarist demands of Williams, by the outbreak of the Earth Civil War in early 21 BBY, however, Anti-Williams support in Nortalia had largely faded, and Nortalia went back to being a Unionist stronghold throughout the war, despite some Nortalians volunteering for Confederate service.

Within the non-Federalist nations, however, the conclusion of the Morivanian Rebellion served to further stoke the passions of Anti-Federalists, Anti-Centralists, and Anti-Williamites. In the eyes of the Traditionalists, Morivania was added to the list of nations denied the right to express their own sovereignty by the anti-Democratic Centralist of a Union President.

Following the victory of the Confederacy over the Union the Treaty of Williamston stipulated that Morivania was to be an independent nation called the Morivanian Republic. Whilst the Republic was de jure an independent nation it was a de facto puppet state of the Confederate States, and was widely regarded as such.

John Frederickson reprised his role as the Morivanian president, and the Morivanian Senate was filled exclusively with Confederate sympathisers, Conservatives, Morivanian nationalists and Anti-Unionists.
