The Republic of Heaven was a galactic governmental idea partnered with the Confederacy of Heaven and proposed by Republic senators Padme Amidala, Bail Organa, Riyo Chuchi, and Mon Mothma. After it was revealed that Palpatine and Dooku were Sith, the Jedi arrested Palpatine and tracked down and defeated Dooku, and forced them to relinquish their influence over the Senate and the Separatist Council, and the above senators, led by Amidala, the new Chancellor, proposed an idea with the new Separatist Chief-of-State Mina Bonteri to bring peace and its old splendid nobility back to the Galactic Republic and the galaxy. To quote part of Amidala's speech:
"…Chancellor Palpatine promised us peace and stability within the Republic. Now that he has been deposed of his powerful position and his true intentions, we must work to end the complacency in our government and fulfill the Republic's promise to be what it once was. This means we must stop cloning troopers for the war effort, and the clones who live now must be granted rights and laws of protection just like all other people within the Republic, because it is wrong to create life for no purpose than to do only another's bidding, and we must also take special care with the Army's one hundred-fifty contingency orders Palpatine admitted to creating so they are never abused. We must never again sink to such depths in the name of democracy, and take care to repair the reputation of other despised people, too, like the Jedi, alien races, and droids, because the Republic must stand up for what we agree is good, not what is convenient, and we must learn from our experiences so we can make the galaxy a little bit better for everyone..."
Behind the Scenes[]
The Republic of Heaven is based on the phrase of the same name coined by Gerrard Winstanley, an English Christian radical of the seventeenth century, and used by Philip Pullman in the His Dark Materials fantasy trilogy.