Star Wars Fanon

Republic Federation Core Treaty Organisation or REFECOTO was a military federal alliance among the three dominant democracies of the galaxy and of many regional governments. This alliance was signed on 234 BBY. It constitued a system of collective defense where its members agreed to mutual defense in response to an attack by any outer-galactic and universal enemy that used to destroy the galaxy. It had three headquarters of three largest Democracies, Coruscant of New Republic, Keldyx Prime of New Keldevian Republic and Frencho of New Fraench Republic. Also the cooperation of the regional governments constitued the 95% of galaxy's defense against the universal enemy forces.

Governments and affiliated Regions[]

New Republic as the leader of the alliance ruled all galactic regions. Although a second government to a planet could ensure clear security and safety. New Keldevian Republic had the Deep Core, Core Worlds and Outer Rim Territorries. New Freanch Republic had the Wild Space, Expansionist Region and Outer Space. Rakatan Confederacy had Unknown Regions, Inner Rim and Mid Rim. Colonies and Hutt Space were not signed to the Aliance except Nar Shadaa which was with the Fraench Republic.
