Star Wars Fanon

We, the concerned citizens of the Republic, express our worry at how our Senate is dealing with the Separatists. So far, we believe that the Separatists are being denied their natural right to self-determination, and a voice in their own future. We are also troubled by the apparent effect that the warmongering Militarists are having on the Senate, we believe that they will plunge us into tragedy! It is only right for the Separatists to build their military forces from the threats the Militarists have given them, we urge you to see reason and ignore the warmongers who will cause a galactic war!
—Part of a letter to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from Ben Larmak, expressing Larmak's belief that recognition of the Separatist nation would avert the Separatist Crisis, the letter also expresses Larmak's disdain for the Militarists, who he viewed as warmongers who would cause a galactic war.

The Republic Diplomacy Party (RDP) was a political party on Coruscant during the Separatist Crisis and Clone Wars, unlike most parties the RDP had no interest in running in elections, it was focused more on lobbying the Republic Senate to continue diplomacy with the Separatists. Overtly pro-Separatist, its main goal was the see the Republic Senate negotiate with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It also viewed the Republic Senate as corrupt and having forgotten the morals and ideals which the Republic was founded on, the party was also ardently opposed to the "Militarist" faction.

The party was founded by a Coruscanti human male called Ben Larmak in 24 BBY, shortly after the Confederacy was founded, Larmak founded the party because he believed that the Confederacy had the right to exist, if only to exercise the Republic's ideals of freedom of choice and self-governance, and he was appalled at how some senators in his Senate were advocating violent action against the Separatists, which he viewed as illegal and a complete contradiction of the founding ideals of the Republic, as far as he was concerned any system which voluntarily entered the Republic had the right to voluntarily leave it.

Ben Larmak's ideal scenario was to have the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems as good neighbours and allies living side-by-side each other in peace and working together to better the galaxy.

The Separatist sympathizer who bombed the Republic Senate building's shuttle dock in 22 BBY, in an attempt to frighten the Senate into declaring peace with the Separatists was a member of the Republic Diplomacy Party, despite Ben Larmak's desire for his party to use peaceful means in order to bring peace between the Republic and the Confederacy.

Has the Republic forgotten that the Separatists are our brethren? They aren't evil, traitors or monsters, they're people, just like you or me, only a very short time ago they were Republic loyalists, just like you, they were loyal to the Republic for thousands of years, they paid their taxes, their membership fees, and assisted the Republic in its times of need, how are we willing to forget everything they've done for us, especially considering the fact that we weren't there for them when they begged for our help? They can no longer abide by the corruption, bureaucracy, tyranny and unfair taxes of the Republic of today, rather than hate them, we should agree with them, for they are right!
—Ben Larmak giving a speech

In 21 BBY, during the Clone Wars, a member of the RDP composed the Clone Army Song, an anti-war song that sung of the Clones being enslaved soldiers forced into the slaughter for the greed of the Galactic Senate.
