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The Republic Civilian War Effort Alliance (RCWEA) was created shortly after the start of the Clone Wars. It encouraged citizen inolvement in the war through the purchase of war-bonds, rationing, and donating everything from foodstuffs and entertainment such as holozines, cards, books, and vids for the troops to scrap metal and even droids for the fleet. Olphosus Yeerin, a wealthy Jumerian, was appointed to preside over the organization but he was assassinated toward the end of the war by CIS assassin droid IG-106.5 while traveling to Alderaan for a speaking engagement. A Human businessman named Mozalgus Lliskundorf who had been a longtime financier of Palpatine's political career was given control of the office. After the creation of the Galactic Empire it became part of the Office of Civilian Services, a COMPNOR organization.