Red Ancher's crew was a group of bounty hunters who worked together and were led first by Red Ancher and then by Tett Gorshun.
During Red Ancher's youth, he dreamed of adventure and excitement. He believed that he could achieve these things by becoming a bounty hunter and left his home planet to pursue his dream. While he was successful early on, in his later years he began to experience difficulty. Realizing that, he would have a better chance of capturing his prey with help from others. He rounded up several other experienced bounty hunters and offered them the chance to work with him. They were skeptical at first, due to the risks of bounty hunters being in groups, but were eventually convinced to join up with him.
Working together, they quickly earned enough money to purchase a KR-TB "Doomtreader" which they named the Gharzr, which they modified extensively. The group came to respect each other and any early animosity soon faded. In 16 BBY, they were approached by a fugitive Jedi named Thanacite, who hired the bounty hunters to help him fake his own death. The group complied and once the job was done, they transported him and his padawan, Tett Gorshun, to Ensolica. Shortly before arrival, Thanacite asked Red to take Tett with him, as Thanacite would be staying behind on Ensolica. Red agreed and restrained Tett when he attempted to follow his master.
Red grew close to Tett after this and became a fatherly figure to him. After Red was killed by one of his bounties, Tett took over and became the new leader. The group suffered a setback on Nar Shaddaa when they were hired by the Dark Jedi Cronal to eliminate another Dark Jedi. However, they were not told that their victim was Force-sensitive and Tett believed that it was merely an untrained, non Force-sensitive lightsaber wielder. He was proven wrong when the Dark Jedi killed Nik Hamud and Tanodore Tanwa was killed by Stormtroopers. Jak Denariss and Devriss Nordan barely survived the encounter.
Ashamed with himself, Tett sunk into a depression. He eventually hired two more bounty hunters to replace the ones he had lost on Nar Shaddaa, Saraad and Jori Kappa. When the New Jedi Order was established, Tett was torn between joining them or staying with his crew. He eventually decided that he would continue to work with his crew, but work as mercenaries for the New Republic.