The Reclaimer Fleet, originally the Overlord Fleet, was the second fleet under command of admiral Norven Loyaler. Reclaimer Fleet became Norven's personal headquarters following the fall of the Aradan Union.
Originally known as Overlord Fleet, named after its flagship, Overlord, the flagship was lost during a large insurrection. Most of her crew was subsequently transferred to the Reclaimer, Norven's replacement flagship.
By 7 ABY, the fleet had been reduced to three ships, the Reclaimer, the Aspiration and the Adamant, commanded by Norven and the Woods brothers. In an attempt to reinforce this number, Norven led a successful raid on Bilbringi. He seized five starships from the Bilbringi Shipyards, the Exarch, Providence, the Merciless, the Solitude and a final unnamed Star Destroyer.
By 17 ABY, the Aradan Union became space-borne on the Reclaimer Fleet, the fleet being all that remained of the admiral's warlord realm.