The Rebel Alliance was a rebel organization that opposed the Galactic Empire during the GalacticCivil War. During the war, the rebels fought in the numerous battles and other skirmishes that crippled Imperial operations, most notably destroying the unidentified planet-destroying battle station. The goal of the Rebel Alliance was to restore democracy in the galaxy, which they were able to do at the end of the Galactic Civil War by creating the New Republic.[1]
Organised shortly into the Empire creation and rule, the Rebel Alliance was formed by Senator Mon Mothma and

Cade Tylinn, Hired by The Rebel Alliance
Bail Organna, formed when Starkiller liberated them from the clutches of the unfinished unidentified planet destroying battle station, which had formerly been there prison, when the Rebel alliance was formed, they relied mainly on contacts from both the Black Market, and the Imperial Senate, which was however, sorely un-informed, so there only reliable source of intelligence was the Imperial informants or the Black Market, which was sometimes unreliable. during the Rebel Alliances history, many battle's were fought against Key Imperial Targets, though some were not Official Rebel Attacks, some were hired mercenaries and other such allies of the Rebel Alliance.
List of notable Leaders:
- Mon Mothma
- Rahm Kota
- Garm Bel Iblis
- Bail Organa
- Vota Vinjo
- Cor Vertimes
- Drote Obliv
- Jacen Fearbeamer
- Luke Skywalker
- Han Solo
- Leia Organa
- Juno Eclipse
- Wedge Antilles
List of notable Allies:
- Cade Tylinn
- Kyle Katarn
- Jan Ors
- Covin Truo
- Tin Grutow
List of notable Battles:
- Battle of the Vergesso Asteroid Feild
- Battle above Alzoc III
- Battle of Hypori
- Battle of Ilum
- Battle above Taspir
- Battle of Dosin Prime
- Battle of Corfia
- Battle Of Dinsila
- Battle above Kessel
- Battle of Yavin IV
- Battle of above Sullust
- Battle of Sollaris
- Battle of Hoth
- Battle of Endar Alpha
- Battle above Intolipa
- Battle of Endor