Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

You will fall, one way or another!
—Aldroma to Emperor Palpatine

Rayce Aldroma was an officer in Imperial Military Intelligence, holding the rank of colonel, who eventually became one of the conspirators of the Free Officers Movement, an organization aiming to remove Emperor Palpatine from power.


Born in 33 BBY, Aldroma joined the Galactic Empire in the years following the Clone Wars. He proved to be a capable officer and reached the rank of colonel in Imperial Military Intelligence. Because of this, Aldroma met with and became of aide-de-camp of Grand Moff Vylor Sarkan, the director of Military Intelligence.

But at the same time, he became disillusioned with the Imperial leadership due to its atrocities, culminating with the destruction of Alderaan. Many members of Military Intelligence shared his opinion, including Grand Moff Sarkan. They formed an organization aiming to topple Palpatine and the other Dark Side Adepts leading the Empire, which became known as the Free Officers Movement.

In 1 ABY, the group attempted to commit a coup against the Emperor. However, their plans were foiled when Darth Vader saved the Emperor from the bomb they planted in his meeting room. Aldroma was captured after the coup was defeated by loyalist forces, and interrogated by the Emperor himself. He remained defiant to the bitter end and did not reveal any important information.

Personality and traits[]

Originally an Imperial loyalist, Aldroma believed that the Empire was the best government that the galaxy could have. But he became more and more disillusioned with the Imperial leadership as more atrocities were committed and covered up. As an intelligence officer, he was involved in covering some of them up. As a result, he joined the Free Officers Movement and thought that with Palpatine and other Sith gone, the Empire could function better. Aldroma was also very loyal to the movement, not revealing any information on them even under torture.

Skills and abilities[]

Aldroma was considered to be a capable officer by his superiors, including Grand Moff Sarkan. He was also a good marksman, as he showed during the coup attempt by killing several enemies with a blaster. Aldroma proved to be resistant to torture and did not reveal any information on his fellow conspirators.

Behind the scenes[]

The image used to represent the character is from Fullmetal Alchemist.
