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Rax Town was a Human male from Hakassi who became a stormtrooper and was stationed on Erzyllon after the planet rejoined the Galactic Empire. He led a group of Imperial holdouts after the Battle of Erzyllon until he was captured.
Born on Hakassi in 11 BBY, Rax was from a family that had immigrated to the Deep Core from Cehullst. At the age of eighteen, he joined the Stormtrooper Corps and rose to the rank of sergeant after serving aboard a ship in the Deep Core Security Zone. Totally loyal to the Empire, he was stationed on Erzyllon after the planet was resworn into the desperate Empire in 5 ABY. The New republic attacked a few weeks later and Rax served in the Imperial ground forces. After the official surrender of the planet, Rax and his men chose to fight to the death.