Meet the Ranger CTUs. Superior, advanced, and most of all, deadly. These Rangers are extremely superior to the Army Troopers and Rangers. Like the Old Republic's Grand Army, the Ranger Corps will be elite and powerful!
—An Eclipse Officer
Ranger CTUs[1], or Ranger Clone Trooper Units[1] and sometimes called Eclipse Clone Troopers[1] due to their armour appearance, were an elite type of soldiers cloned for the purpose of keeping peace within the New Empire as well as being superiorly trained for any combat situation that might be thrown at them.[1]
These units were not like the droids used in the Droid Army of the New Empire, or the STORMTROOPER units in the Stormtrooper Engine, these units were trained expertly like clone troopers used by the Old Republic, but were separated from their original hosts as they were killed before being cloned.[1]
The Ranger CTUs filled in the spaces of the Eclipse Ranger Corps and was under the command of Army Command's Ground Command. These units were armed with either the "A" or "F" variants of the E-11 blaster rifle.[1]