The rangarang was a species of boomerang-shaped fish native to Neroth.
Rangarangs were small fish, slightly larger than a human's hand. Their bodies were primarily blue in color, with vibrant yellow stripes; they were covered in smooth scales. Rangarangs were shaped like boomerangs or, superficially, the Aurebesh letter Yirt. They had no dorsal, pelvic or anal fins, instead possessing a pair of small, almost vestigial, pectoral fins and a single paddle-like tail fin at the end of each "wing."
They were vertically orientated in body plan and fairly flat, enabling them to slip into narrow crevices in underwater rocks or coral formations. Rangarangs have a total of four beady eyes, two on each side, positioned above and below the mouth. Their mouths are filled with blunt file-like teeth, which allowed them to feed on coral. They were corallivores, but could eat seaweed or other forms of ocean vegetation. Due to their odd physiology, rangarangs moved by swaying side-to-side. As a result, it was difficult to tell which part of the fish was right-side up or not and it seemingly didn't matter much to the fish, as they exhibited no signs of disorientation if they completely rotate while swimming.