Star Wars Fanon

Randon Ash was a Jedi Knight during the Old Republic Era. He was also a veteran of the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War (the later of which he was one of the few survivors). After the end of the Mandalorian Wars, he was exiled from the Jedi Order under false crimes.

He spent the next few years wandering the galaxy. Among the few planets he stopped at along the way were Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Dantooine and Telos. During this time he enlisted in the Republic Army and was stationed on the ship The Harbinger and was one board when the Sith attacked the ship. However somehow he was drugged and sneaked off the ship while the Sith were taking over and when the ship he was on escaped the Harbinger's guns were fired on the ship as it escaped.

After the Jedi Civil War, Randon disappeared.


Early Life[]

The Exile was born on the planet Derila, a planet ridden with war and destruction. Growing up on the planet was not easy as many unexploded mines and still active turrets were almost everywhere. Like almost all Jedi, the Exile was found to be Force-sensitive by Jedi Knight Collum Fassa and was taken to be trained as a Jedi. He spent the next years of his life at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant before he was taken to Dantooine. During this time, many masters, including Master Vrook, Master Vash and Master Vandar, taught him. It was also during this time that he made friends with the future to be Sith lord Revan.

The Exile enjoyed being on Dantioone because of the peace it offered. During this time, he built his first lightsaber, which was unique because of its hilt and crystal. Around the time, when he was 13, he was taken completely under the apprentice ship of Master Lumra.

The Dark Criss[]

The Dark Criss happened when the Crissed, the people of a unknown planet in the Outer Rim.-Jedi Archive Computer

The Exile was only 14 when the Dark Criss War erupted out of the Outer Rim worlds. Like most Jedi he and his master were one of the many Jedi to join into the war. At first the Criss were winning every battle because of overwhelming forces. Also they only attacked planets of no use to the Republic. However eventually Jedi Master Vandar saw the strategy and warned all Republic Fleets in range of all planets within the Republic.

Because of this the Republic began to push the Criss back. However they began to work on a secret weapon that would destroy all Republic forces in the area in which they would attack. When Republic intelligence found out they begged the Jedi to sent a strike time, which they did. The team consisted of the Exile, Revan, and a Jedi who only name was Fassa. At first the Operation went smoothly, they found the prototypes of the weapon and destroyed them. However when they were leaving they were attacked by numerous Dark Jedi. During the fight Fassa was mortally wounded and died before they escaped. Revan and the Exile escaped with numerous wounds and scars. However they did find something out that proved key; The Sith Empire was allied with the Criss.

Promotion to Jedi Knight and Capture

The mission was archived as a success. Both Revan and Randon were promoted to Jedi Knights and were given the position of generals in the Republic Army.Soon after the Criss made a last-ditched assault on Telos. Both fleets made it on the ground at the same moment and many lives were lost. As the Republic Fleet retreated from the battle, all forces on the ground were captured, including the Jedi Exile. For months Randon held out against through torture and starvation. Eventually he gave in to the dark side. A few months later the war ended at the battle of Kamino

Behind the Scenes[]

The Jedi Exile went through many changes during this article was being written because of making the story seem cooler to read and also to make the story make more sense.
