You never know how life is gonna turn out, everything could change in the blink of an eye. I say this because I've experienced it, multiple times.
—Ralos Velense
Ralos Velense was a Force-sensitive human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars. He led led a battalion known as the 31st Nexu Battalion alongside Clone Commander CC-2831 Keck and Clone Captain CT-2129/14 Coggs. He survived Order 66 and lived on into the Empire Era, hidden on the planet Contruum. While on Contruum, he married a human woman and had a child with her, a girl named Sharleen Velense.
He would become disillusioned with the Jedi Order during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He came to believe that they were all fools, that unknowingly signed their death warrant. This disillusion with the Jedi resorted to him opting to forget it all together, and disconnect himself from The Force, choosing a more simple, peaceful life with his family. Their peaceful life would not last forever though, for his daughter would be discovered to be Force-sensitive. Velense trained her, so that she may better control her powers, and be able to protect herself.
Eventually, his past would catch up with him, and the Grand Inquisitor would find him and fight him, resulting in his death. His family would escape though, his daughter carrying on his legacy.
He would go on in history to be well known for his battle prowess and tactical mind, albeit his methods of achieving victory were considered brutal, even cruel at times.
Early Life[]
Ralos lived simple life as a child, his father being a delivery pilot, and his mother staying home to tend to him and his siblings. They lived on a backwater planet, in a peaceful town, far away from any big industrial city. It was a peaceful life.
Until one day a band of pirates raided their town, killing everyone and pillaging whatever they could find. Velense hid away in a safe spot in his home while his neighbors, friends, and family were slaughtered. Eventually he was found, a pirate's gun barrel aimed at his head, before a glowing green blade sliced the weapon in half, and the pirate being cut down. An old man dressed in robes and wielding a lightsaber loomed over Velense, soon offering his hand to join him.
The man introduced himself as Jedi Master Vradria Lamone, and protected Velense from any attacking pirates. Amidst the fighting, Velense managed to force push some oncoming attackers away from them, surprising Lamone. Once safe, Lamone took Velense with him back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant train him in the ways of the Jedi.
Jedi Apprentice[]
As Lamone's Padawan, Velense was given his own room in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. While at the Jedi Temple, he studied everything he could about self-defense, which led him to studying many battle techniques. His master encouraged him to study combat, so that may be able to defend himself and others, so that no-one else suffers what he suffered. He became fascinated by combat and war, and sought to learn all that he could. He'd eventually go on to construct his own saber and go on many missions with his master.
His master would not live to see his padawan's rise to knighthood unfortunately. During their final mission together before Velense was set to become knighted, Lamone was fatally shot and killed. Velense slew the killer and completed their mission, going on to be knighted, but the event stayed with him for the rest of his days, being remembered as the day he failed to save his master.
The Clone Wars[]
Ralos Velense's knighting would be ill-timed, or well-time depending on how you look at it, for the Clone Wars would erupt only a few days after. He was placed in command of a clone legion of the Grand Army of the Republic, the 606th Legion, being paired up with Clone Commander Keck and Captain Coggs, the latter serving as his clone liaison. He would gone on to earn glory and fame, the 31st Nexu Battalion, a sub-unit of the 606th, becoming one of the Republic's most elite and feared units.
Early Battles[]
Battle of Ithor[]
During the Clone Wars, the Separatist invaded the planet of Ithor with intentions of utilizing its agricultural wonders for their own benefit. The Republic sent the 31st to engage with the Separatist on the planet. It was a hard-fought battle, that resulted in a Republic victory, and earned Velense and the 31st much recognition.
Battle of Telos IV[]
The Battle of Telos IV was an excursion that occurred during the Clone Wars when the 31st was deployed to assault the planet Telos IV to force the Separatist to relinquish control. The battle should've been long and difficult, with the mass of Separatist forces on-world, droids and militia alike, but was won swiftly and easily with clever strategies developed by Velense and his men, Keck, Coggs, and Chess. They performed several infiltration missions, guerrilla assaults, and other various tactics, considered brutal but effective in attaining victory. This battle made the 31st well known for savage yet brief eliminations of opposing forces, thus being dubbed the “Nexu” Battalion.
Later Battles[]
Battle of Ansion[]
In 20 BBY, the planet Asion was invaded by Separatist forces. The Galactic Republic sent the 31st Nexu Battalion to push the enemies off-world. The 31st's Coal Company took charge during the battle. Velense, participated in the battle, a squad known as Burner Squad accompanying him.
Battle of Sajun[]
During the middle of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems sent troops to Sajun, where the Galactic Republic had a base of operations set up. Once the Republic found out about this, they immediately sent reinforcements, the 31st Nexu Battalion. Velense led Wreck Company into battle, engaging with the Separatist on foot, distracting them so LAATs could be deployed for a bombing operation. The 3rd Strike Platoon was specifically chosen to spearhead the bombings. The bombings, known as Operation Crate, successfully took out several battle droid battalions and gave the Republic a soaring victory.
Defense of Dremulae[]
In the later years of the Clone Wars, the rich planet of Dremulae was invaded by the Separatist. The 31st was sent to defend the planet. The Separatist's army was massive, and nearly overwhelmed the battalion. Velense separated from his clone liaison Coggs to cover as much ground as possible. Unfortunately, amidst the chaos of the battle, Coggs was killed in action, alongside a platoon of men, which included sergeants Shots and Zapp. The battle was ultimately won, but at a great cost of half of the 31st's members. The battle would go on to haunt Velense, just like his master's death, having lost many good men and a dear friend.
Order 66[]
Near the end of the war, Velense was present on Coruscant, having just returned from battle. He and the men of the 31st did not have time to rest though, for the Great Jedi Purge began and the soldiers with Velense at the time received Order 66. Velense felt a disturbance in the Force of the Jedi being attacked across the galaxy, which alerted him in time to deflect blaster shots coming from his own men. He proceeded to cut down his men so that he could flee. He fought and dodged several clones firing on him before eventually slipping away into the streets of Coruscant, escaping the fate that had befallen many Jedi.
After the end of the Clone Wars and the destruction of the Jedi Order, Ralos Velense would hideaway on the planet Contruum, resorting to living a simple farmer's life. He would meet a human woman with whom he'd fall in love with, and have a child. The child would be a girl, who they name Sharleen.
He would grow a great distaste for the Jedi Order during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He came to believe that they were all fools, that unknowingly signed their death warrant. This disillusion with the Jedi resorted to him opting to forget it all together, and disconnect himself from The Force. He opted to live the rest of his days in peace, forgetting the past.
Their peaceful life would not last forever though, for his daughter would be discovered to be Force-sensitive. Velense trained her, so that she may better control her powers, and be able to protect herself. Eventually he would assist her in building her own lightsaber, as a symbol of her mastery of control of The Force, and for further protection. Despite his teachings that he derived from his own teachings, he encouraged her not to follow the path of the Jedi, for he believed that their ways were flawed, and will cause her downfall, just as it did theirs.
Eventually, his past would catch up with him, and the Grand Inquisitor would locate Velense at his new home on Contruum. Velense met the inquisitor in the open field outside his home, engaging in lightsaber combat with him so that his wife and daughter could slip away. The battle would not last long, the inquisitor gaining the upper hand and defeating Velense, ending his life. His family would escape though, his daughter never forgetting her father's teachings, carrying on his legacy.
Personality and traits[]
He was a stoic, brave and intelligent man. He cared deeply for others, and studied and fought hard to make sure that those he cared about would stay safe. He hid his caring side from others though with a gruff and no-nonsense warrior face. He believed that showing his feelings would leave him to become predictable and vulnerable.
He was well versed in the art of war, having studied it in great length during his time as a padawan. This made him a mastermind on the battlefield, and was well praised and valued by the Jedi Order and clones under his command. His tactics were often considered brutal at times though, and the Jedi Council looked down upon him slightly for it, but they could not complain much, for he achieved many swift victories for the Republic. He was no Anakin Skywalker or Mace Windu, but he was good enough stay safe from removal of his position.
He was naturally honest and despised lying and deception, and especially hated politics, considering most politicians to be greedy and conceited. Whenever dealing with political representatives, such as the senator of Taris, he spoke to them with great disdain.
Powers and abilities[]
Ralos Velense was considered a powerful Jedi Knight due to him constantly being on a battlefield. It was there he honed his skills in combat, saber techniques and his connection to The Force.
He studied and trained intensely all lightsaber techniques. He wanted to master all of forms of lightsaber combat, but time restricted him. He instead opted to focus on a certain few that would better assist in his war efforts. He perfected his skills with the Form III, Form IV, and both Form V styles. He deemed those the most suiting for him, and thus mastered them.
In the ways of The Force, he was skilled, but nowhere near as powerful as some other members of the Jedi Order. He was far more attuned to physical combat than to the mystical ways of The Force.
Ralos Velense has differentiated himself from the common Jedi not only in physical prowess and his great tactics, but also in his appearance.
During the start of the Clone Wars, Velense wore standard Jedi robes, but soon transitioned to wearing battle armor under his robes, equipped with a custom plastoid chest-piece and shoulder pads. He wore standard Phase 1 clone trooper armor greaves over his shins, the boots replaced with his own leather ones. A comlink gauntlet was strapped over his right arm as well. He painted his armor with red and gray markings to match the 31st Nexu Battalion.
Sometime during the wore, Velense shielded himself and others from an explosion by tapping into The Force to divert it around them. The flames started closing in though, and Velense's arms were severely burned. They survived, but Velense had to live out the rest of his days with bandaged arms.