Star Wars Fanon

Rainah was a Human female from the planet Somov Rit.



For months, Zannah continued her legacy until she was succeeded by Darth Cognus and Darth Millennial who planned to overthrow her. Zannah fled from Ambria and traveled to Korriban where she would remain in the Valley of the Dark Lords. She traveled to the Great Temple where she encountered Tuk'ata hounds that prowled the interior of the temple. After slicing many hounds, Zannah kneeled and seeked guidance from the spirits of the temple. They offered her a tomb where she could sleep and remain alive. Zannah accepted their offer, and her sarcophagus was made until Darth Cognus and Darth Millennial arrived to the temple. Zannah couldn't allow this, and she engaged her apprentice to lightsaber duel. She struck her apprentice when Darth Millennial surrendered himself to her. Zannah placed herself in her sarcophagus and was laid to rest centuries towards the end of the Galactic Republic.

Clone Wars[]

Released from her Prison[]

After the Second Battle of Raxus Prime, Count Dooku and Tol Skorr traveled to Korriban where they would find Darth Zannah's tomb and awaken from her sleep.
