Star Wars Fanon

Railok, or Commander Railok was a male Stormtrooper Officer that served under Emperor Palpatine in the Rebellion Era. He was the youngest man ever to reach the rank of Commander in the Imperial Military. Even in the military, nobody knew his name. Born to the Caridian senator, Istye Railok and his wife, Railok grew up in a normal family and attended the Imperial Academy of Carida by a very young age and graduated to become a Imperial Stormtrooper Officer.


Early life (12 BBY - 3 BBY)[]

Railok was born to Destra and Istye Railok in 12 BBY. Istye was a former a senator from Carida who was a good friend with Commander Praji who introduced a young Railok by the age of 9 to the Academy of Carida where a trainer by the name of Mikhail discovered young Railok. Railok's parents weren't interested in first to train him into a soldier at the age of 9 but Mikhail insisted because he knew that Railok would find success in the military ranks.

Academy of Carida and installment in the army (3 BBY - 0 BBY)[]

He can't even tie his own shoes and he's supposed to become a full-trained Stormtrooper?
—Imperial trainers about Railok

Railok started to train to become a Stormtrooper, learning the ability to handle different firearms like the E-11 blaster and how to lead a squad into battle. The trainers got really impressed to see Railok, at that time 11, lead a squad into a rainforest near the campus and come back alive without a single scratch. When Railok, a couple of months later, graduated as a honorary student, he got installed in the Galactic Empire as one of the youngest Stormtrooper officers ever.

Experience with the Imperial Navy and Admiral Ozzel (0 BBY - 2 ABY)[]

As Railok was quickly put in as a Ensign in the Imperial Navy, still with his black uniform, because of the lack of faith from Admiral Motti who didn't believe in the rumors about Railok's leadership ability. Railok became friend with Kendal Ozzel, another officer from Carida that by that time was under the rank of Captain onboard the imperial-class Star Destroyer the Reprisal. After that Railok and Kendal took part in a punitive mission against Teardrop in the Shelsha Sector, both of them got transferred to the personal flagship of Darth Vader, the Executor. Railok was introduced to the Death Squadron detachments as a Lieutenant and got call on to serve under Major General Maximilian Veers' Blizzard Force as a Snowtrooper Lieutenant.

Battle of Hoth and reaching the rank of Commander (3 ABY - 3.5 ABY)[]

Railok was stationed at Camp Culroon in Zaloriis where they had completed the first prototype of the AT-AT walker, the Blizzard 1, when he was called to Fondor II by direct orders from General Veers and Darth Vader to bring reinforcements and Blizzard 9. After he arrived at Fondor II, he was told that they were preparing an attack on Zaloriis City and made the AT-AT walker ready for battle. After that the battle of Zaloriis had been won, Railok was transferred to the Executor once again. Shortly before the Battle of Hoth, Railok was presence as a transmission came in from a probe droid in the uninhabitable system of Hoth and was quickly set into gather the Blizzard Force for a ground assault to take out the rebel shield generator. After have landed on the snow planet and got installed in the AT-AT Blizzard 9, he would succesfully lead his walker into victory together with the remaining others. After this, Maximilian Veers promoted him into a Commander, becoming the youngest Commander ever in history.

Mission in Cloud City and The Battle of Endor (3.5 ABY - 4 ABY)[]

Railok was onboard on the Executor after the Battle of Hoth, he had left the Blizzard Force because of direct orders from Darth Vader. He had other plans for him. Railok, who had a little problem with bounty hunters, got a bit annoyed when Lord Vader invites a couple of them to the Executor to enlists them to find the Millennium Falcon that went lost after The Battle of Hoth. But he managed to make some good contact with the mandolorian bounty hunter, Boba Fett, that would prove to be of help later on. Lord Vader needed Railok for a mission in the planet of Bespin. He would lead one of the many squads in Cloud City to capture the smuggler Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa. After that the smuggler had been frozen in Carbonite and been given to the bounty hunter Boba Fett, Railok and other officers put on their Stormtrooper armor and led the other Stormtroopers into battle against the rebellion, on the planet. They successfully put down a attempted coup staged by the rebellion. Railok left Bespin just before the Battle of Bespin begun. As he was stationed in one of the imperial bunkers on the Forest Moon of Endor, the Battle of Endor started right above him, in the space of Endor. He was quick putted into battle together with Captain Sarkli and led a squad of Stormtroopers. As the Death Star got destroyed and the Imperials got overrun, Railok made his escape together with a couple of troopers.

Behind the scenes[]

Railok is a character named after my nickname Railok and is also my cosplay character. Commander Railok can be spotted on conventions all around Europe, like Star Wars Celebration Europe now in July.

See also[]
