Star Wars Fanon

I sense you will face more resistance than you expact, Commander. Do not underestimate the NSF. Kill anyone, or anything, in your path.
—Kaxs sending his strike force to En'rg-ch

The Raid on the Sith Temple was the first and opening battle of the Namelesennian Civil War. Returning to the Namelesennia system, General Kaxs ordered a strike force to capture his old Sith Temple on En'rg-ch.


Possessed by a Dark Side Spirit, the General of the Namelesennian Security Forces, Kaxs, had left the Namelesennia system for half a standard year together with the majority of the NSF. When Kaxs returned, he ordered his forces - now greatly expanded - to launch a campaign to recapture his old Sith Temple of En'rg-ch.

Space Skirmish[]

The battle started even before the Forces of Darkness begun landing their troops from the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser in orbit. A squadron of starfighters from the Namelesennian Security Forces launched from the planet and demanded identification. The Dreadnaught launched a squadron of Y-wing starfighters. The Y-wings were almost chanceless against the much faster Z-95, but under the coverfire of the Dreadnaught, they managed to defeat the NSF starfighters.

First Strike[]

The first strike was made by the NSF. Even before the strike force could land, a missile hit and destroyed one of the carriers, causing the military walker it carried to fall and explode. the Strike Force Commander, however, called for a bombing run. A squadron of Y-wings came down from orbit and destroyed the missile turret, thought one of the bombers were hit before they destroyed the turret.

As soon as the AT-TE's had landed, they unloaded their troops. Then, the strike force begun its movement towards the Temple. Eventually, traps were places all around the temple, causing at least a dozen of the Forces of Darkness' infantry soldiers to die. As soon as the Temple was within sight, the actual battle begun.

Hiding in the poisonous swamp, three scout walkers suddenly appeared and gave fire on the infantry. Two of the AT-TE's answered by directing their main turret against the smaller walkers, easily taking them out. Then the last AT-TE blew a hole in the backside of the Temple; the undefended side. While the infantry troopers entered the Temple through the hole, the AT-TE's poitioned themselves to protect the hole. It would not be an easy task.


The NSF soon sent assault vehicles to fight the AT-TE's. A heavy assault tank, escorted by some outdated speeders, showed up and gave fire against the walkers, together with a garrison of infantry soldiers. After blowing one AT-TE, the assault tank was destroyed, and the explosion destroyed all but one of the speeders.

But even the AT-TE's could not stop all the infantry. After shooting a few wellplaces missiles, a soldier managed to destroy another AT-TE. Alone, the AT-TE had no chance to stop the soldiers from entering the Temple the same way as the Darkness warriors had. Using one last chance, the walker launched a heavy laser blast against the roof, causing it to fall down and block the hole - and bury those already on the way in. Eventually, a huge rock also fell on the AT-TE, making it explode.


The infantry warriors of the Forces of Darkness didn't meet much resistance. When hearing about the attack, most NSF troopers had left the Temple to guard the outside. The few soldiers they actually encountered were easily slain. Attacking the NSF defences from the backside, the Forces of Darkness didn't loose many soldiers.

Soon, the battle was outside against; by the heavy defended main entrance. It was quite easy battle for the Forces of Darkness, since Lord Namelesennius hadn't thought it was necessary with a big garrison. The soldiers who had fought the AT-TE's then reappeared, but the Darkness forces could easily take them out since they now controlled the laser turrets. When the last speeder arrived, thought, quite many soldiers were lost before it was hit by a missile. Within a half standard hour, the Forces of Darkness totally controlled the Sith Temple.

Behind the Scenes[]
