Star Wars Fanon
Project Cruentus

The female known as Rafe Taker is one of the most vital soldiers we have at our disposal. She is lethal, intelligent, and has a cute blue ass. Recommend putting her to forward units.
—Excerpt from a Savi report

Rafe Taker was a Chiss female during the time of the Cruentusian War. Exiled from the Chiss people for a variety of crime, she adopted the name Rafe Taker and became a mercenary, eventually joining the Savi Alliance for good pay and advancing to become one of its most foremost soldiers. She was considered an expert fighter, usually using dual pistols and martial arts in battle. She was also mildly Force-sensitive, although her abilities did not extend beyond minor precongition and the ability to sense others presence, and she attributed these to natural telepathy.
