Star Wars Fanon

Rae Sloane was a Human female admiral who served in the Imperial Navy. Following the Battle of Endor, she was given the title of Grand Admiral by the warlord Gallius Rax before forming her own splinter faction that would become the foundation for the First Order.


Imperial career[]

Rae Sloane was born on Ganthel around 41 BBY. Not wanting to be employed at one of the planet's many shipyards, she left her homeworld to enroll at the Imperial Naval Academy on Prefsbelt IV.[1][2] Upon graduating, she was given the rank of lieutenant and assigned to the Defiance under the command of Commandant Pell Baylo.[3]

In 14 BBY, Commandant Baylo invited Emperor Palpatine to a meeting aboard the Defiance, planning to assassinate the Emperor and the Sith Lord Darth Vader. To accomplish this, he ordered Sloane to change the course she had plotted for the Defiance to one that would take the ship and its crew into a sun. Darth Vader saw through this scheme and ordered Sloane to pilot the ship according to her original coordinates, while Emperor Palpatine executed Baylo for his treason. The Defiance was subsequently renamed the Obedience.[3]

Three years later, Sloane had been promoted to the rank of commander and served as executive officer aboard the Executrix, flagship of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin.[2] She was later promoted to captain and assigned to the Star Destroyer Ultimatum.[1]

Endor and beyond[]

In 4 ABY, Admiral Sloane was in command of the Star Destroyer Vigilance and was present for the Battle of Endor. Upon the destruction of the second Death Star and the death of Emperor Palpatine, Sloane received the order to retreat from Captain Gilad Pellaeon and followed the Imperial Fleet to the Annaj system. As Sloane's superior Admiral Adye Prittick dithered on how to press forward, other admirals began to break away from the Empire and form their own splinter factions, taking the fight with the rebels into their own hands.[4]

While Sloane remained loyal to the core Imperial faction, now under the control of Grand Vizier Sate Pestage, she realized that a stronger leader needed to take control if the Empire hoped to remain stable in the wake of the Emperor's demise. This led her to call for a summit on Akiva, hoping to come up with a better direction for the fractured Empire. Around this time, she came into contact with the mysterious Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, who suggested to her that he had a vision for the Empire that would restore it to its proper glory.

Unbeknownst to Sloane, Rax was feeding information to the newly-formed New Republic and alerted them to the summit on Akiva. The battle that followed resulted in the deaths of nearly all of the gathered Imperial leaders save for Sloane, who now found herself serving in Rax's new Imperial army. Rax also bestowed onto her the rank of Grand Admiral and made her the Supreme Commander and public face of his forces, while he continued to orchestrate things behind the scenes. Grand Admiral Sloane remained loyal to Rax as he initiated Operation: Cinder, a contingency plan that he claimed had been given to him by Palpatine in which, should the Emperor ever perish, the whole galaxy would burn as "punishment" for the Empire's failure.

As planets across the galaxy were subjected to Operation: Cinder, Sloane began to have doubt in Rax's plan, as well as his claims of having been the Emperor's protege. Things came to a head at Jakku, where she realized that Rax was planning to wipe out a large portion of Imperial forces along with the New Republic's fleet in a cataclysmic battle. She was spurred into action when Rax's schemes were exposed to commanders on both sides by a mysterious contact (in fact someone working for the resurgent Sith Lord Darth Vorath), leading Sloane to order her forces to fire on Rax's observatory, killing him and preventing his plans from coming to fruition.

Following the battle of Jakku, most of Rax's forces ended up rejoining the core Imperial faction or one of the many splinter factions that had arisen after Endor. Sloane, still not having faith in either the Ruling Council or the warlords, led a small group of her own and departed for the Unknown Regions, planning to rebuild the Empire from scratch.


  • "Orientation"
  • "Bottleneck" – Rise of the Empire
  • A New Dawn
  • From the Ashes


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 A New Dawn
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Bottleneck"
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Orientation"
  4. From the Ashes