Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

RC-1138, known as Boss, was a Clone Commando of Delta Squad. He was in charge of the squad, and had gotten them through many missions. He wore orange-marked commando armor.


Rescue on Hoth[]

RC-1138 was a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. He was born on Kamino and first fought during the Battle of Geonosis. He participated in the rescue of Captain Blaster's team on the ice planet Hoth. He fought alongside Blaster and finished off the last of the Separatist battle droids.

Droid Informant[]

The Deltas

Boss was a Republic Commando.

Later, Delta Squad was tasked with picking up an informant droid that had been programmed by the Republic to download Separatist information. When Delta Squad landed on Devaron, they were attacked by battle droids. Boss and the others finished them off and went to the hill where they'd meet the droid, which had a subtle voice change that the commandos could recognize. When Boss saw the droid coming, he was about to call for evac when many battle droids attacked. While Sev called in a gunship, Boss and the others held off the droids. General Kenobi soon arrived and helped Delta and the droid off the planet.

Battle of Quell[]

Boss, along with the rest of Delta Squad, fought on Quell. When they raided a Separatist base with Commander Trample, Boss and Scorch set a bomb that Boss could detonate remotely. Fixer and Trample were trapped in the command center, so Boss acquired a Wookiee homing launcher, which Scorch used to destroy the doors. Trample had been killed by an electrical grate. They recovered the incapacitated Sev, who had been attacked by a commando droid, and killed the droid before evacuating and destroying the base remotely.

Under Commander Ponds[]

When Advisor took a day off, Boss and the other members of Delta Squad were put under Commander Ponds. Along with the rest of Delta Squad, Boss was forced to do pushups as soon as Ponds entered the barracks.

Raid on Ryloth[]

Boss and Clone Captain Rex later led a raid on a Separatist base on Ryloth, along with Commander Ahsoka Tano. When battle droids assaulted the group, Boss and Fixer hacked the computers in the command center. They succeeded in their mission, and got the intel back to base.

Second Battle of Juma-9[]

Boss was also on the space station Juma-9 with General Eeth Koth and Captain Lock when the Separatists attacked. Boss met up with Sev and Fixer outside the hangar when the battle started, and the three of them fought to the armory to pick up Scorch. The batte was won when General Kenobi arrived.

