R3-L6 was an R3-series astomech droid. It was created on the smallest Utapau's moon, Woka around 20 BBY from a science research team. It was taken a uniqe emplacement that gave it the ability to destroy small CIS vehicles. His character was quite uncommon for a droid as it was not afraid to face any danger and was always honest proud for serving the Republic.
Its homeworld, Woka was invaded by a separatist invasion. R3-L6 was one of the few who escaped it and moved to Bespin's Cloud city. It stayed there but it was overrun by a separatist assault, too. Then, it escaped on Naboo and stayed there for two months until the separatists invaded the planet. R3-L6 was almost destroyed but many years after its destruction, aound 2BBY, it was found and recreated by imperial engineers. After its reconstruction, it served the Galactic Empire on Death Star along with other droids. The Empire stole the technology of its sabotage system and used it against the rebels. R3-L6 was destroyed on the Death star.
R3-L6 created at 20 BBY from Nick Coleman, a human scientist that was leading a research team with the goal to improve the R2 and R3 series astomech droids by making portable emplacements for them. It was placed with other three R2-series droids that created for the same purpose.
One of the few emplacements that Coleman's team made was the vehicle sabotage system, created to sabotage small separatist vehicles and super battle froids. This emplacement was added to R3-L6 and the other three droids and worked perfectly. R3-L6 never took other emplacements and abandoned from the scientists as they decided to make emplacemens for R2-series droids and then for R3-series droids.
Invasion on Woka[]
During the Clone wars, one of first hits of the separatists was the smallest Utapau's moon, Woka. R3-L6 was with the other scientists when CIS ground forces invaded Woka Town, R3-L6 ran outside the building along with the scientist team and tried to escape in one of the few Woka transport ships. The scientist team, as well as the other droids, died except R3-L6 that survived from the enemy fire with light injuries and successfully left the planet by entering to one of the Woka transport ships. Finally, the separatist forces destroyed the city leving no one alive.
Bespin journey[]
All the surviving ships entered to hyperspace with the same destination coordinates, on Bespin. After reaching the Cloud city, all he survivors wanted to warn the Cloud city's Baron administrators about the incoming danger. R3-L6 served the citizens of Cloud city for a month, until it was decided that the survivors must leave Bespin and go to Naboo. They prepared to leave Bespin but, a day before they had to leave, the separatists invaded the cloud city with the mission to destroy the Tibanna gas mine which was providing energy for Republic warships.
Assault on Bespin[]
When R3-L6 learnt about that sudden attack, he was thinking that he should be sent to the battlefield and fight along with the groups of clone troopers and the Jedi and defend the Cloud city but the engineers decided that he shouldn't sent to the battlefield and left him with other astomech doids, to the interior of cloud city. Despite of this, R3-L6 did not follow the orders he was given and moved to the battlefield.
When R3-L6 reached the battlefield, it was the first time that he saw a full-scale attack and was amazed. Many LLAT's were deploying clones and Jedi to resist the CIS battle droids when the droids were trying to overrun the city and destroy and Republic resistance. Suddenly, he saw a single trooper aerial platform with a battle droid inside. The battle droid stopped somewhere near the R3-L6, but he did not notice him. R3-L6 destroyed the platform with the droid. The next moment, an LAAT hit and fell near to R3-L6, causing him light injuries and killing the clones that were inside. R3-L6 realized that it was a mistake to get to the battlefield and hid behind the destroyed LAAT.
A few minutes later, most of the Separatist droids in the area had been destroyed. The droid got out of his hide place and started running to the Interior of the Cloud City. He asked help from the survived citizens of woka. All of them decided to leave the Cloud city and leave to Naboo, even there was the danger to be killed. After taking sever transport ships, they left, most of them on Naboo.
Escaping to Naboo[]
After half a day, the ship got out of hyperspace and reached Naboo. The engineers joined with the other survivors and all together went to the governors of Naboo. They explained the situation and the Separatist attack on Bespin, and wanted help. The governors started preparing Naboo for defense situation. R3-L6 was repaired and became a temporary Naboo service droid.
After a month, most of the survived citizens of Woka, had left the planet in various location, leaving R3-L6 behind. R3-L6 wanted to be a Naboo service droid and stay there for the rest of it’s live. It was repainted to red color and became a part of Naboo service droids. The separatists didn't attack Naboo for another month as they were in fight with many other Republic systems. But when they found the chance, they sent a medium-sized fleet of droids to Naboo.
The CIS fleet crushed down the weak Nabo's space station without many casualties and sent a big army of droids to its surface. The Gungan citizens fought against the droid assault in any possible way, but they failed to hold them and they entered to Naboo's towns. R3-L6 transferred along with other non-fighting citizens and droids to the inner builtings of the town. Unfortuately, this was not enough as CIS used aircraft units to attack the specific town.
After the first air strike, R3-L6 was very afraid and believed that it will be destroyed very soon. Suddently, a CIS transport unit hit the building, killing most of the citizens. The survived droids from the impact went out of the unit led by a sith and killed all the gungans in the building. R3-L6 attempted to escape, but the sith forced it back and ordered a Super battle droid to destroy it. R3-L6 was destroyed by a single hit.
CIS lost the battle in Naboo and retreated to space. Many cities were destroyed and many inhabitants were killed. R3-L6 was dropped along with other destroyed astomech droids in a wastle land.
Many years after R3-L6's destruction, when the Galactic Empire was ruling the galaxy, a bounty hunter found the destroyed droids from the separatist assault on Naboo. He found the destroyed R3-L6 in good condition and took it with him to sell it when he would have the chance. After some days, the bounty hunter sold it to imperial officers for a great amount of money. The officers took it to examine it and reconstruct it.
Stealing technology[]
After the examination, the imperial officers found the vehicle sabotage system that R3-L6 had. This was the first time that they've seen something like that and decided to make schematics for it. It was also found that this sabotage system can only be added to R3-series astromech droids. After making the schematics, they sent them to the imperial space station Death Star. It was decided to make a production line with R3-series astomech droids that will have this system and to reconstruct R3-L6 to an imperial astomech droid. The production line was producing a very small number of droids as the emplacement was very expensive to be created in big numbers. Every droid with that system had as second letter the letter "L" from R3-L6 or the letter "S" from the word "sabotage".
Serving the Empire[]
R3-L6 was reconstructed and reprogrammed from the beginning as a R5-series astomech droid but it kept his old name. Most of his memories were lost and his character was changed as he was acting very logical. It was sent to the imperial station Death Star. For the rest of his life he served many imperial officers and Darth Vader.
R3-L6 remained to death Star and bacame a part of its actions, from the destruction of Alderaan to its last battle, on Yavin IV. It proved very good on executing orders despite the fact it wasn't a droid from the imperial production line. At the battle of Yavin IV, R3-L6 was, temporary, deactivated to be repaired after some technical problems that appeared to him. The rebels sent a team of X-Wings to hit Death Star's core and destroy it. The team of X-Wings managed to hit Death Star's core, destroying it with R3-L6 inside.