Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic era

R2-O2, often referred to as "Arrow", was an R2-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton.


R2-O2 was a diminutive droid, standing 0.96 meters tall. He rolled on three legs, one of which could retract into his body, and had a silver and green domed head. His white and green body housed many arms, sensors, and other apparatuses. The Royal Engineers made a couple of after-market modifications to R2-O2.


Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps[]

R2-O2 was in the possession of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps during the time of the Invasion of Naboo. After the battle R2-O2 was assigned to Lieutenant Hawke for the N-1. Hawke was one of the more skilled pilots and after completion the N-1 pilot training school he and R2-O2 where transfer to the famous Bravo Squadron.

After Lieutenant Hawke resigned this officers commision and was transferred to the Judicial Forces, R2-O2 was assigned to an other NRSFC pilot.

Cassidy Courier Services[]

Period for the Battle of Coruscant Hawke was wounded and received a medical discharge from the Navy. He returned home and was welcomed as a Clone Wars war hero. Because of his military record Hawke was knighted and received his N-1 fighter with his old astromech droid R2-O2. Melissa Cassidy, Jack´s younger sister, recruited Hawke in to the company as a pilot for her Nova-Drive 3-Z light freighter. R2-O2 became the maintenance droid.
