Qui Zulu was a male Umbaran Wraith Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Following the war, Zulu was knighted and went on to serve as a Shadow for the Council of First Knowledge before attaining the rank of Master.
Early life[]

Qui Zulu is held by his mother before she turns him over to the Jedi Order.
Born in the darkness of Umbara, Qui Zulu was a Forceful Wraith, one of the drifting beings which were in a state of constant poverty and conflict due to the Umbarans' collective hatred of their race. Without cities or government, the Wraiths were driven into the slums outside of Umbaran communities and often hunted by local law enforcement and the planetary government. These atrocities went unnoticed for untold decades until circumstances brought Jedi Master Indot Sheni and his Padawan Tomac Moorcé to the planet in 38 BBY. During their visit, an attack on the capital city led them to investigate these slums located out in the darkness which covered the planet outside of the Umbaran cities. There the Jedi discovered that the Wraiths were not attacking out of hatred, they were attempting to gain the Jedi delegation's attention. Demanding an explanation from the government and ordering a Judicial investigation into these crimes against civilization, the Umbaran government withdrew from the Republic and ordered the Jedi offworld. Before they left, a female Wraith drifted over to the Jedi and handed them her swaddling child before floating back into the darkness. A quick scan of the child's blood showed that he was indeed Force-sensitive and the Jedi took him back to the Coruscant Jedi Temple for training.
Growing up in the Temple, Zulu was energetic and healthy, growing into a being which did not resemble the wretched and sick Wraiths from his homeworld. Naturally gifted with an innate ability to levitate his light-weight body to drift in Umbara's low-gravity, Zulu used these abilities for locomotion at the Temple as his species lacked legs. Insectoid in form with two long, thin arms extending from his shoulders, Zulu's head was similar to a Human's although he lacked the Human's eyes, ears, teeth, and nose. Adopting the traditional garb of his people while infusing Jedi tradition into his clothing choices, Zulu wore a Jedi's black tunic, long flowing robes, and a black shroud which covered his head. When Jedi Tomac Moorcé visited the Temple looking for a new student in 24 BBY, he immediately recognized Zulu as the being he had brought back to the Temple and requested to take him as his second student.