Star Wars Fanon

The content of this article has been cut.

This article covers a subject that was cut from the final version of a fan series and appears in no other source. Cut content is not always part of fan canon and thus should not be taken as such.

I sense an unusual amount of fear.
—Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn was the Jedi Master of Obi-Wan Kenobi and the former apprentice of Dooku during the invasion of Naboo in 19 BBY. He and Obi-Wan attempted to stop the invasion, but fled. He saved the life of Jar Jar Bink, a Gungan who helped the two Jedi hide at Otoh Gunga, despite breaking his exile. They freed Bink and the three went to Theed to rescue the queen and her fellow guards. The group was forced to flee, but the ship was damaged before it reached Coruscant. They crash landed on Utapau and since local farmboy Annikin Starkiller lived nearby, he and his family agreed to help repair their ship.

