Pyotr Brashin (53 BBY, Raithal — 56 ABY, Bastion) was a male Human officer in the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, and succeeding governments. Considered by both his subordinates and enemies to be a tactical genius, Brashin held the rank of captain in the Republic Judicial Department, and after the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY, was promoted to colonel. Brashin proved his tactical skills to his Jedi commanders in 21 BBY, and was promoted to general. He kept in contact with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who was impressed by his abilities and followed the general's career. By the end of the war, he was decorated and had scored several key victories against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Following the formation of the Imperial Army, Brashin played a role in reorganizing the new force by order of the Galactic Emperor. In 17 BBY, he was promoted to the rank of Grand General, commanding the Ninth Army. Next year, Brashin was made the Army Chief of Staff, and operated from the headquarters on Imperial Center.