Star Wars Fanon

The Publicae Auxiliam, or Public Order Auxiliaries when translated into Galactic Basic Standard, were the police force on Mors and the wider Morsian Empire, keeping the peace on Morsian Protectorate Planets.



The first instances of a police force came in the form of town militia which worked as both an internal and external defensive force, which helped to crush riots within a town or defend it from attackers. These militia were poorly trained and armed but were able to stop a mob of angry citizens in a hurry.

Relegation to second-line troops[]

When army reforms came about and a standing army was created at the end of the Morsian Kingdom, the militia was relegated to town watch or reserve units, garrisoning towns or protecting the camp of a legion when it moved to enter combat. As the front-line importance of the militia dwindled, they instead proved useful as a method of reducing resistance in occupied territories or in Morsian towns that were protesting about an issue of some kind. The Morsian government realized the importance and usefulness of having armed troops, albeit poor ones, in population centres to keep the peace.


The militia was eventually reformed into town watch, a more well trained, unified force that was far superior to a simple group of militia. Where militiamen were barely trained, town watch were given basic military training on how to handle most military encounters in a defensive stance, to give them time to survive until proper military units could support them. The militia of the past were poorly equipped, with random assortments of weapons and armor that were handed out from Morsian Army reserve on a random basis, usually in the form of old or obsolete equipment. As such, militia was different from settlement to settlement, where one town might field mostly spearmen where the next one over might have comprised of archers. The new town watch on the other hand were issued shields, Morsian short swords and javelins, as well as trained in their use. Likewise, the militia of the past were lucky to have any sort of armor to protect themselves, however now with town watch, unified armor was issued as well as a standard uniform. These town watch units were far more effective than militia in both garrisoning duties as well as auxiliary infantry when the need arose.

Expansion of the town watch[]

The town watch continued to be improved as Morsian technology improved, however they were always one technology behind the army, due to their auxiliary soldier designation. While town watch was useful as a police and garrison force, the Morsian army had little use for them outside of those roles unless they needed extra manpower in an emergency. Nevertheless, town watch was upgraded when possible and their ranks were expanded as towns continued to grow and Morsian expansion across the planet continued.

Discovery of the wider galaxy and rapid improvement[]

At the discovery of the wider galaxy by the Morsians in 10,000 BBY thanks to the Jedi Order, the Morsians quickly realized that their technology was far behind that of the galaxy. Their army was severely outclassed should anyone plan on invading Mors, let alone the equipment of the town watch. As a result of this, the Morsians quickly had to reform and improve the army with technology either stolen or purchased from the wider galaxy, which left the town watch severely outdated. Reformation came swiftly once the army was designated as 'modernized', however, and more modern, but still outdated by galactic standards, equipment was issued. This allowed the town watch to be able to defend against and deal with a rise of Blaster-based crime and organized criminal gangs. It also allowed the town watch, now renamed Publicae Auxiliam, to retain the status as auxiliary infantry, as they were now able to defend against blaster wielding opponents, something otherwise impossible for the previous town watch.


The Publicae Auxiliam followed a structure similar to that of the Morsian Army, which allowed them to be auxiliary soldiers, since they'd be trained in a similar way to the army and follow a command structure similar as well.

  • Two auxiliaries was a patrol and most often seen patrolling the streets.
  • Ten auxiliaries was a section, who could patrol dangerous areas or be called in as backup.
  • Fifty auxiliaries was a half-cohort, the usual size of a publicae unit when attached to an army.
  • 100 auxiliaries formed a full cohort, which was the preferred size of unit used by army Legates when commanding publicae.


  • A standard soldier was known as an auxiliary.
  • Ten auxiliaries were commanded by a Tamen Coercito in Old Morsian, often shorted to just Coercito, which translates to 'Enforcer' in Galactic Basic
  • Fifty auxiliaries, or five Tamen Coercito's were commanded by a Cohortium Centurionem Publicae Partem, often shorted to just Centurion Publicae, which translates to 'Public Order Auxiliary Half Centurion' in Galactic Basic.
  • 100 auxiliaries, or two centurion publicae/five coercito's, were commanded by an Ordinis Centurion. which translates to 'Public Order Centurion' in Galactic Basic.
  • In command of all publicae in a town was a Summum Tamen Coercitor, which translates to 'Chief Enforcer' in Galactic Basic.
Morsian Publicae Auxiliam with shield pixel art

A Publicae Auxiliam with his shield and javelin


Compared to the rest of the galaxy, publicae were poorly armed as a military force, with archaic equipment and armor. However, for their primary role as a police force, they were very well equipped. Each auxiliary was issued with a Morsian Gladius vibroblade sword, a throwable javelin and an ovular shield. The vibroblade sword gave it extra power for cutting through some of the harder materials, as well as allowing the publicae to more easily break down barricades or doors. It could also cut through some armor, which some of the more organized and dangerous gangs sometimes produced or got their hands on. The ovular publicae shield was built in a traditional Morsian way as well as built using standard wooden construction for the most part, however it had a blaster resistant coating over it, which allowed it to absorb several blaster shots before the coating no longer fully protected the shield. This allowed the publicae to not only defend against blaster wielding criminals, but also helped with their role of auxiliary soldiers, as they could be used on the front lines or in defensive scenarios and have a chance against modern armies.

Morsian Publicae Auxiliam no shield pixel art

The uniform of a Publicae Auxiliam


Each publicae wore a dark or light blue tunic under lighter weight black chainmail armor which covered their torso and shoulders. The chainmail had a strip of solid metal on both the front and back which had printed on it ‘publicae auxilium’ in white, to quickly identify them on the streets or in a raid situation. They had metal gauntlets for their hands for when they needed to less-lethally subdue a suspect to retain them for questioning. They also had metal leg and knee guards but no foot armor, rather sandals or thick boots, depending on the situation or location. They also didn’t have the same helmet type as regular army issue, rather they had a chainmail balaclava type arrangement over their heads and a simple, open fronted bowl like helmet which covered the top, side and rear of their head. Against vibroknives and other vibro weapons, this mail armour gave good survivability and the curved, flush surface of the simple helmet meant most attacks glanced and slid off the surface.

