Star Wars Fanon

My people owe all that we are to our predecessors, the Progenitors. But that's not to say we worship them as gods, or think of them as "better" or "superior". No, far from it, actually; our species live together, as equals, partners in our shared society and lives. They have always guided us, with their wisdom and knowledge. The sort that only a race older than life on our world could have.
Arkos Tavarakous, a leading Progenitor Human during the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War

The Progenitor Humans were a race of deliberately-created Near-Humans from Archaiam, in the Eidolon Expanse sector of the Ethereal Demesnes. They were created by the efforts of the Progenitors, whom followed in the footsteps of the Ethereals that had similarly created the Ethereal Humans, though the Progenitor Humans never became so widespread as their Ethereal Human cousins. Thanks in no small part to efforts in turn by the Progenitor Humans, the original Progenitor race narrowly avoided the extinction that befell their Ethereal, Eternal, and Kalendin allies that had come to the galaxy from the Cradle at the same time they did.

Throughout their history, the Progenitor Humans were guided, aided and nurtured by the Progenitors, and in time, the two species came to live together, mingling freely as equals and partners in their shared society. While the Progenitors' knowledge and technology had long since regressed some ways, much of their greater sciences having faded to history, they preserved enough to keep themselves and the Progenitor Humans they lived alongside at a roughly-equal level to the rest of the galaxy, though their particular choices of science and technology certainly varied widely from most other races of the galaxy, ranging from Programmable Matter to Artificial DNA to a nigh-unique type of energy weapon, the Projected Bolt Cannon, also known as the "Lightning Gun" thanks to its discharge visually resembling a bolt of white-ish silver lightning.

While the Progenitors and Progenitor Humans had respect in and were considered valuable by the Ethereal Demesnes, earning themselves a place among the one-hundred twenty most important of all the Demesnes which made up the diet of the Demesnes, the former generally refused to leave their home sector, and if they did, they typically subsequently refused to leave the greater region of the Demesnes. As a result, since their society was one of if not the most powerful in the Eidolon Expanse and surrounding sector of the same name, their representation in the Galactic Senate and subsequent Imperial Senate was virtually always comprised entirely of Progenitor Humans, which led some from the greater galaxy to doubt the existence of the ancient Progenitors, thinking them more myth and legend than fact, a sort of fairy tale or creation myth of the Progenitor Humans.
