Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Unity era

The Privateer-class corvette was a warship in use during the Sith Crusade, Successors War and the Octom War. It was named after the ancient Mandalorian Privateers.

Made to counter starfighters and bombers, the Privateer-class corvette carried as many weapons as it could without compromising its space-worthiness. It was also faster than any other similar ship of its time. Together, these made the Crusader an extremely pricey vessel. They were also known to utilize an advanced point defense weapon system that allowed the ships to actually shoot down enemy missiles or torpedoes before they damaged friendly ships, which made these corvettes a valuable support addition to a fleet.


Designed in the years preceding the Sith Crusade, the Privateer-class was designed as an all purpose defense ship.

they saw extensive use throughout the Sith Crusade, and were by far, the most widely circulated ship class of the era. Ships of this class were part of the naval forces of the Sith Order of Decreto for many years, lasting well into the reign of Darth Krayt. They saw extensive use yet again during the Octom War when they fought on both sides.

Decreton Shipyards warships
NX-03 Space/Terrain Mark INX-03 Space/Terrain Mark IINX-03 Space/Terrain Mark IIINX-03 Space/Terrain Mark IV
Supply/troop carriers:
NX-04 Galactica-class troop carrierNX-04 Pegasus-class supplies carrierNX-04 Valkyrie-class troop carrier
Capital ships:
Privateer-class corvette Krayt-class capital shipNX-05 Venator II-class Star Destroyer
Star Destroyers:
Decreto-class Super Star Destroyer Hammer-class Star DestroyerUltima-class Super Star Destroyer
NX-01 Planetary deployment-DestroyerNX-02 Planetary bombardment-DestroyerAvenger-class battlestation
Avenger II-class battlestation