Once I learned from a Sith, if they were still in a position when we came to this Galaxy, the transition of our arrival would be more... profitable.
—Primitus to Shimrra Jamaane, after they received the report of the Battle of Coruscant.
Primitus was the current reincarnation of Yun'o Yun-Yuuzhan and leader of the other Yun'o reincarnations during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Primitus spent most of his time in stasis and spoke through the Supreme Overlord of his time although he awakened briefly from his stasis when he first met Vergere who he recognized as a Force bearer despite her usage of Art of the Small, by the time of the Battle of Ithor he was once again an active element within the Yuuzhan Vong religion and often communicating with Executor Nom Anor and later Supreme Commander Nas Choka.
Pre-Rebuilding What Once Was[]
Birth and Childhood[]
Primitus was born to a Unknown Woman and a Prophet of the Dark Side on the world of Dromund Kaas in 50 BBY, he spent ten years of his childhood learning the basics needed for survival in the Galaxy and the secret arts of the Prophets, around the time of his tenth Birthday he had become so prodigally powerful that Darth Plagueis the Wise came to Dromund Kass to locate him and took him from the Prophets and killed Primitus' master when he was the only one to disagree.
Teen Years and Yuuzhan Vong[]
Primitus became the secret Sith apprentice to Darth Plagueis who taught him Sith Sorcery and Sith Alchemy, these two Sith worked together to learn the secrets of immortality and power over life itself which they could manipulate for the usage of the Sith, eventually two Priests of the Yuuzhan Vong approached the two of them and watched as their guards were slain by the two Sith.
But due to an intervention of the Dark side of the Force that reached across time and space, the two Priests learned that Primitus was the reincarnation of Yun-Yuuzhan however while the first Priest agreed wholeheartedly with the mysterious whisper the other did not, in a short disagreement the second Priest tried to kill the first but was forced to his knees by the Force Grip of Primitus whom was watching the entire unfolding before him.
Listening to the explanation of the First Priest and feeling limitless disgust at the second, Primitus slew the Second Priest with a Force Crush and commented on how he was able to sense the Yuuzhan Vong while his master had had difficulty doing so, Primitus listened to the First Priest and allowed him to stay near where he and his master was staying so that he could continue helping Plagueis in their search and learn the Yuuzhan Vong religion.
Primitus decided to go away with the Yuuzhan Vong and told his Master that it would be better if he were there controlling the Yuuzhan Vong should the Sith need their support in destroying the Jedi, Plagueis accepted this excuse and the Yuuzhan Vong Priest gave Plagueis a villip - which the Dark Lord of the Sith found fascinating - and taught him how to use it to communicate with its twin owned by Primitus, Primitus and Plagueis continued to work together on their research over a long distance.
Making a Name and Loss[]
With his time with his Sith master behind him and equipped with knowledge on the Yuuzhan Vong religion, society and language, Primitus returned to the Yuuzhan Vong Worldships outside of the known Galaxy. Primitus learned of the legendary Merkabah known in their mythology as a massive Force wielder Koros-Strohna, that acted as the mobile homeworld of the Yun'o, and so attempted to build at a Shipwomb in the Unknown Regions a similar attribute to the legend.
The Project, known as Gungnir was a failure however using data from the Death Star Project started by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Primitus managed to incorporate a similar design into the Gungnir except that its main aspect of projecting energy was pure Force energy.
Personality and traits[]
Primitus was described as aggressive, calculating and intelligent, as one would expect from a stereotypical Yuuzhan Vong in a position of power. Worse than that, Primitus had been apprenticed to one of the most powerful men in the Galaxy and was knowledgeable in the Sith code which he added to his knowledge of the Yuuzhan Vong on Yun-Yuuzhan, he followed a strict belief system where he would act as the Supreme Yuuzhan Vong God would.
Primitus was also kind when he was required to, especially to other Yun'o, however he was also a demanding and commanding master. He would strike at an enemy without warning or a moments hesitation, however he would never strike out against a friend or ally unless it were a simple gesture that would cause little harm, like a chastising slap or punch.
Primitus disliked complications almost as much as he disliked the Jedi and therefore the New Jedi Order were evil in his eyes, the few minor victories against the Yuuzhan Vong being caused by these Jedi and the one responsible for destroying his Sith master's in-universe Legacy: Darth Sidious. Primitus had a romantic obsession with Anakin Solo whom was unknowingly Salvator, the reincarnation of Yun-Shuno, the Redeemer.
Physical Appearance[]
Primitus had short dark brown hair that was sometimes confused for the color black, brown eyes that turn a clear yellow-golden color when calling upon his anger and the Dark side, and stood at just under six feet and had a slim but powerful physique.
Primitus often wore two layers, either a Robeskin and a hooded robe of similar material, or a Robeskin with a black and white colored armor of a unique material. He always wore the boots of the armor, except when in his quarters, and almost always wore the chest-guard and gloves under his hooded Robeskin variant.
Primitus' Sith lightsaber[]
Although he became a member of the Yun'o and lived among the Yuuzhan Vong society that despised technology, Primitus insisted that they come to use it when in desperate circumstances, Primitus kept his Sith lightsaber to remember his past and to use when in desperate circumstances.
Yun-Yuuzhan's Sword[]
A mighty sword of devastating power, it was a Celestial weapon like the Dagger of Mortis and it was only bound to the spirit of Yun-Yuuzhan, making anyone but Yun-Yuuzhan and his reincarnation unable to wield its magnificent power.
Yun-Yuuzhan's Armour armor[]
Primitus wears the Winged Black and White Armour of Yun-Yuuzhan and often wears it, either fully or partially, all the time.
Powers and Abilities[]
As the reincarnation of Yun-Yuuzhan, the first of the Yun'o, Primitus had a deep bond with the Force and the Midi-chlorians to the extent that he was believed to have very few limitations. His symbolism with these specimens were obvious, as Primitus was the only one other than Darth Plagueis that could use Midi-chlorian manipulation.
Personal Abilities[]
Primitus was a very powerful Force-sensitive even before being upgraded into a Force wielder and along with that he had a large Personal Force reservoir, being a master of Telekinesis and Telepathy with an affinity for the Dark side of the Force allowing him to communicate with people over a great distance or bring a vessel the size of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer from the sky with his mind.
Dark side Abilities[]
Primitus was revealed to be capable of the powerful Force Destruction ability and was capable of powerful uses of Force drain and Drain knowledge while using this ability on even Force ghosts, he was a master of Force lightening like his Sith master he was able of overwhelming anyone with a simple shock all the way up to a Force Storm, by the Yuuzhan Vong War he has learned Force Fear and Force Slow including their individual variant abilities.
He came to be able to use Force Maelstrom in combat to overwhelm enemies with ease and therefore his close-range Force abilities were unmatched by most Jedi by the time of the Galactic Alliance, as a warrior he would release a burst of Force rage and a Force scream before Force leaping to attack his enemies over a large distance, Dominus could also generate a Spear of Midnight Black when in the midst of thick Dark side energy which he can throw at his enemy and impale them.
Sith Sorcerer/Alchemist abilities[]
Primitus was a powerful and skilled Sorcerer and Alchemist, Primitus could easily use Force walk to bind ghosts to himself or objects in which he could drain power and knowledge from them, his greatest manipulation of Sorcery and Alchemy however was his symbiotic relationship with matter and Midi-chlorian manipulation which he had help Darth Plagius discover,
Behind the Scenes[]
The word, Primitus, means the First. This draws relation to being the first reincarnation to awaken to its true nature, the reincarnation of the first Yun'o or the first being in Yuuzhan Vong religious mythology.