I stand before you as President of the Confederate States of Earth Jane Zarkan, Head of State of our Confederate States, each state acting in her free and independent manner...
—Jane Zarkan, first President of the Confederacy, in an address to the Union Senate, in which she announced the withdrawal of the Confederacy from the Union
The President of the Confederate States of Earth. also known as the President of the Confederacy, Confederate President, and simply, as the President, was the title of the head of state of the Confederate States of Earth, an alliance of Separatist-aligned nations on the planet Earth. The honorific typically given to the President was "Your Excellency", when being referred directly towards, or "His/Her Excellency" when being referred to.
The President's primarily duties involved proposing new laws and governmental policies, presiding over meetings of the Confederate Parliament, meeting important foreign delegates and foreign leaders.
The President of the Confederacy was primarily assisted in their duties by the Vice President of the Confederate States of Earth, the head of government, leader of the Confederate Parliament, chief assistant to the President, and second-in-line to become head of state should the President be unable to lead.
Similar to the Union President, the Confederate President had their own "Presidential Theme", originally this was "Zarkania, Mother of Freedom", however in mid 21 BBY Michael Yarwood, OCM, the "Songsmith of the Confederacy", author of the Confederate national anthem "The Bonny White Flag", as well as "Valand, Great Land of the East", wrote an uplifting march which he dedicated to his President, this march was called "President Zarkan's Grand March", delighted at the tune Jane Zarkan adopted it as her personal theme, following the restoration of the Confederacy in 4 ABY Elizabeth Zarkan adopted the tune as the official theme of the President of the Confederacy.
Unlike the counterpart position of Union President, there were no term limits on the Confederate President, meaning a President could theoretically end up being a "President-for-Life" through continuous reelections.
It was thought that the Confederacy, having much more of an aristocratic culture than the Union, was more open to the idea of life-long Presidents, Confederates generally believed that a good President should serve for as long as the common public demanded of them, many Confederates did not understand why a good President who was beloved by the public should be forced to give up their position after a set amount of time.
Confederate historians generally held the mutual belief that had Jane Zarkan not been killed fighting against the Galactic Empire's invasion in 18 BBY she would've gone on to be the first such "President-for-Life". As evidence for this claim, historians looked to the absolute devotion and love the Confederate people had for her.
- Ashes of War (First non-canon appearence)