Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

The Populi Rem, often shorted to just the Populi, was a rebellion state that broke away from the Morsian Military Dictatorship at the start of the Third Morsian Civil War. The name translated to "People's Republic" in Galactic Basic Standard and aimed to place a republic in place of the ruling dictatorship. At the end of the Second Morsian-Sicc'orax War in 16,128 BBY the dictatorship was in a rocky situation. There was a manpower shortage, civil crisis, and division in the Morsian Senate spurred by spies planted by the Sicc'orax Republic. The dictator in charge, Julius Vix’tar, attempted to stamp down on the growing rebellion by locking up unruly senators but this only contributed to its eventual rise into an armed conflict. The already damaged Morsian army was split, along with the navy and marines, between the government under Julius as the Qui Unitum Potentiae (often shorted to just the Potentiae) and that of the Populi.

The remaining spies who were uncaptured broke away along with the rebel senators to form the Populi, bribing or convincing what legion legates they could that Julius and the regime needed to go. The war was initially at a standstill due to an equal number of legions on both sides, and the Populi occupied all of the annexed lands taken from the peace deal. The spies could get no aid from the new Sicc'orax government due to the puppet government put in place by the dictatorship, so they had to rely on the Morsian troops that had aligned themselves with the Populi. Still, due to the already damaged nature of the legions whom were not at full strength, successful pushes into Potentiae land were few and far between.

Morsian SPQM
Politics of the Morsian Empire
(From 20,000 BBY onwards)
Tribe (20,000 - 18,000 BBY)
Kingdom (18,000 - 16,700 BBY)
Dictatorship (16,700 - 16,126 BBY)
First Republic (16,120 - 16,007 BBY)
Second Republic (16,007 - 15,997 BBY)
Third Republic (15,900 - 15,617 BBY)
New Kingdom (15,610 BBY - 15,580 BBY)
Fourth Republic (15,565 - 15,449 BBY)
Morsian State (15,425 - 15,409 BBY)
Fifth Republic (15,406 - 15,000 BBY)
People's Union (14,991 - 14,544 BBY)
Sixth Republic (14,535 - 13,887 BBY)
Empire (Canon · Legends) (13,880 BBY - )
Titles and honors
King · Dictator · Consul · Emperor
Flag of the Morsian Empire Morsian fanon continuity

Help for the Populi came in the unexpected direction of the Kingdiomi Di Sparti who invaded the Morsian colony on Magnum Spatium which took manpower and forces away from the front with the Populi. The Sicc'orax spies attempted to contact the Sparti king Thermisocrates III to get him to invade the Morsian mainland where they would split the land evenly. However, their messenger was returned as just a head and a scathing reply came from the king who refused to aid them. This spurred them to manipulate the rebel senators further into getting results. By the end of the First Morsian-Sparti War, headway had been made for the Populi and they had captured territory from the Potentiae.

Julius had been becoming increasingly mad as his mental state deteriorated and, in a bid to end the civil war, started torturing senators who had been arrested before the war. His deteriorating mental state had resulted in more and more of his forces defecting to the Populi, however while torturing the senators they came across a spy who ended up breaking and telling them all about the spies and them causing the war. Word of this spread quickly and reached the Populi, who swiftly turned on the spies in their midst. Public humiliation and execution followed for them, however Julius's madness only spurred on the remaining senators to continue the war and overturn the regime.

By 16,126 BBY nearly all of the forces of the Potentiae had either been destroyed or defected to the Populi, and they had surrounded the capital of Volcanesis Magna and its surrounding lands. In a last mad resort, Julius ordered the 2nd Auxiliary Legion to be deployed and stop any attack by the nearest Populi legion, the 3rd. Julius was murdered by what little Morsian Guard remained with him before an attack came, and shortly after the Guard surrendered to the 3rd legion with a hand written note by the remaining senators in Volcanesis Magna which ended the war. Shortly thereafter, the Populi was dissolved and the First Morsian Republic sworn in in its place. The legate of the 3rd, Scipio Farr'anax, became the first consul of the newly established republic.



At the end of the Second Morsian-Sicc'orax War, the dictatorship was in a rocky position. During the war, the Sicc'orax had slipped spies into the Morsian Senate with the purpose of getting the nation to split into a civil war. It was hoped that they could achieve this before the Sicc'orax surrendered, however they were too late and the war ended. Undeterred, the spies continued to split the Senate into two sides, with the spies on a more republican standing that wanted to overthrow the dictatorship. The spies continued to escalate the situation, and one of them drew a blade in one Senate meeting which resulted in several senators being wounded and others detained by the Morsian Guard. Unfortunately for them, one of the senators detained was one of the spies, causing them to escalate their plans to begin the civil war.

Using denarii to bribe legions, the spies took their following and broke away, setting up their rival government in the newly annexed Sicc'orax lands. They managed to bribe or appeal to the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th and 12th, as well as a small part of the navy and some of the marines. In addition, they appealed to the legate of the 3rd legion, Scipio Farr'anax. Scipio had become somewhat of a war hero to the Morsians, where his legion had successfully led the campaign against the Sicc'orax colony on Magnum Spatium as well as defeating the Sicc'orax general Severix Celt'arum at the end of the war. He took some convincing, but eventually he was on their side and began to march his legion towards Volcanesis Magna.
