Pong Krell was a Male Besalisk Jedi General during the Clone Wars.
Serving the Confederacy[]
After the Republic has taken Umbara, forcing the Umbarans to join the Galactic Republic, it is revealed that General Pong Krell was alive. He used a force technique to keep himself from dying. Pong Krell completed his mission as planned, and he eventually traveled to Serenno to meet with Count Dooku, his new Dark Jedi Master. Dooku welcomed his new apprentice, and awarded him for his bravery and success. Pong would be taught by his new Dark master and would fully embrace the Dark Side of the Force.
Assault on Glee Anselm[]
After completing his training with Count Dooku, Pong Krell led an assault on Glee Anselm. Leading his droid army towards the capital city of Pieralos, Pong Krell killed many Nautolan Warriors that stood in his way. Krell made his way into the throne room and took out his lightsabers ready to strike down the King, however as he was about to strike him down he started seeing visions of when he was a Padawan training under Jedi Master Micah Giiet, Krell remembered Giiet's sacrifice and turned his lightsabers off, Krell told his droid forces to stand down and that he has learned the truth behind the force, however as he was talking, Marhai Nearoth entered the room and threw Pong into the wall, Nearoth took out his lightsaber and killed the Nautolan King, Nearoth ready to strike him down took his crimson bladed lightsaber and ended Krell's life.
With Krell dead, as well as the King, Nearoth contacted the rest of his fleet and told them to head to Glee Anselm. However, he knew the Anselmi Council would not join the Separatists without a speech from Separatist Senator Bec Lawise and Galactic Republic Representitive Nossor Ri.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Darkness on Umbara" (First appearance)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The General"
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Plan of Dissent"
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Carnage of Krell"
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Assault on Glee Anselm" (Appears in flashback(s))