Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Platt Nanostarter was a female Twi'lek member of the Jedi Order.


Padawan life[]

Platt Nanostarter was one of many whom were chosen to be trained and serve as Jedi Generals during the Clone Wars. During her training she spent most of her time at the Jedi Temple until the Clone Wars broke out, then she and many padawans were sent to battles. During Nanostarter's training she had to study in the Jedi Archives and train with her lightsaber to duel. When she was on the dueling ring she had many victories. Platt had beaten Padawans Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee, and Jedi Masters Eeth Koth, Shaak Ti, Mace Windu, Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, Adi Gallia, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi Mundi, Kit Fisto, and even Anakin Skywalker. Afterwards she gained respect from many Jedi, and she had later been assigned to a very young Trandoshan Jedi Master named Noah Microboiler, who was around the age of 20 or 21. Her master had also gained respect through duels too, which is the reason why the Jedi Council had put them together. They continued to fight in many battles together until her 3rd year of being his padawan. The Council had decided that she was ready take the Trials of Knighthood, and the other Trials, since she had advanced in her training earlier than most other padawans.


After Platt had become a Jedi Knight she started to aid in the battles of Felucia, Coruscant, Salucemi, and many other battles. She had later experienced near-death situations with General Grevious, Asajj Ventress, and Savage Oppress. That's when she decided to learn the Jar'Kai Lightsaber Form, a form in which a Jedi would battle with two lightsabers, in which to better defend herself. And during this time she had been around Ahsoka Tano and started to get into the habit of holding her lightsaber backwards. She had designed and owned many lightsabers that looked exactly like Ahsoka Tano's, Shaak Ti's, and Aayla Secura's.

During her time of being a Jedi Knight, she had started to chose new uniforms that would give her legs more room and that wouldn't get into the way. She had decided to were uniforms like Ahsoka Tano's and Aayla Secura's. During her knighthood she was on Felucia on a Republic Gunship and got fired down. She had nearly escaped and broke an arm and a leg and had to be in a Bacta Tank for a week.

Jedi Master[]

The Council had decided that it was time that Nanostarter had to train a padawan and chose a Twi'lek, a niece of hers, named Neelah Cosmicslash. She and Neelah had seen each other before but Neelah was just a newborn when she had seen her. They had both continued to become friends and played in an important role in many battles. Neelah had gained many important traits from her master, such as patience, nobility, strength, and became very wise. These traits though had always ran in the Nanostarter-Cosmicslash Family, but not as powerful as the two Jedi had. But it did not take long for Neelah, like her master before her, had started the Trials. Instead of becoming uneasy and nervous, like most Jedi Masters such as Obi-Wan Kenobi had, Platt had stayed supportive for her padawan. This support had given Neelah the strength to past the test and become a Jedi Knight. Platt was ready to let her padawan go and was very joyful that her padawan passed.

It would be a while until the Council had assigned another padawan. The new padawan that was assigned to Master Nanostarter was a Togruta named Ashla, but did not arrive and was reassigned to another Jedi Master. But another padawan came along while she was on Ryloth to visit her family and noticed that her new sister, Treya, was strong in the Force and took her back to the Jedi Temple to be trained under her guidance.

Battle of Ryloth[]

Nanostarter had sent her new padawan to the Battle of Ryloth for her first mission-in-training. Treya succeeded and passed her first mission. But Treya was badly injured and was put into a Bacta Tank for three days.

Jedi services[]

Nanostarter and her new padawan had continued to serve in other battles, including helping the reconstructed Nightsisters clan fight off a second battle against the Separatists. Platt continues to serve as a Jedi Master and continues to help repel the Separatist's forces.

Platt's death[]

Platt Nanostarter was sent to Felucia to battle the Separatists' forces. But 2 days after arriving, Order 66 was taken out. When Platt's Clone Commander, Commander Arok, had gotten the order he, the other clone troopers, and an AT-TE Tank began to shoot at her, then Noah Microboiler and Mira Sundream had arrived and came in to help Platt. They escaped but then another group of clones cornered them and were about to shoot at them when Noah jumped up onto a higher ledge and helped Mira up, but when Platt had gotten onto the ledge, she slipped but her former master caught her hand. But her hand started to slip and just when he about had her up onto safety, a clone shot him in the arm, accidentally letting Platt go and she fell to her death. Microboiler then leapt down and killed the clones with his lightsaber and took her body back to Ryloth to her family, the Nanostarters. They stayed for 2 days after the funeral and then left.

Powers and abilities[]

Platt Nanostarter had been able to learn the ability of shape-shifting, like a Clawdite. She achieved this ability through holoprojectors and soon was able to transform with out holograms. She was also very good at battling with a lightsaber and to use the force even as powerful as the Chosen One. She later was able to help Talzin defeat the Separatists in second Battle of Dathomir and Talzin had awarded her with the same abilities that Talzin had.
