(text of the quote)
Pix was a inquisitor who was once a well thought out Jedi Padwane who fell to the dark side after order 66 came and became an Inquisitor.
Early Life[]
She was founded on an unknown plant by Jedi master Plo koon and took her to the Jedi Temple and became the Padwane to Jedi Knight Keydor and fright in the Clone wars. Once the Clone Wars was bout to end, Order 66 was given they were both able to escape, but not together.
Fall to the Dark Side[]
One day a Inquisitor known as Malfcent found her and converted her to the Galactic Empire and the Dark Side and became a Inquisitor. She knew where her master was and went to found him. She would then capture him and torture him until he fell to the dark side and became a inquisitor himself.