Forget the rank! I'm a soldier fighting for you and your families! I'm fighting for the Empire and none of those rebels shall we fear! Now enough talk, let's roll!
—Pierry Lop to Stormtroopers squad at the Battle of Dantooine
Pierry Lop was a Force-sensitive Human male born on 36 BBY on Corellia to a rich family with both Sith and Jedi roots. Members of this family in the past served as high ranking officers of both Sith Empire and Old Republic or Dark Lords of the Sith and Jedi. It is apparent that Revan had roots in this family.
Pierry as young quite unexperienced at fighting attended the Academy of Carida. It turned out that Pierry was very good at tactics and fighting after basic trainings, eventually he was appointed to the 327th Star Corps as the only human amongst the clone troopers in the division.
Early life[]
Born on 36 BBY to a rich family on Corellia Pierry always wished to fight for the Galactic Republic. Therefore he joined the Academy of Carida and had success. After he passed the basic training it was shown Pierry was a really good tactician in ground battles and was moved to officer academy. Since the earliest years of his life, Pierry became close friend with Skalar but after Skalar joining the Jedi Order they weren't in contact for a long time.
Clone Wars[]
Pierry graduated the Academy of Carida earlier as the Galactic Republic was in need of new soldiers. Pierry joine the armed forces at the age of 15 in 21 BBY, he was appointed to the 327th Star Corps and shortly after summoned to his first battle: Battle of Coruscant. After the Battle of Coruscant Pierry was sent to the Felucia System along with the rest of the legion to help with the mission. However shortly after their arrival on the planet Felucia he was sent back to Coruscant to join the Coruscant Guard at Supreme Chancellor's personal command.

Pierry in his Coruscant Guard armor patrolling the Senate's courtyard.
In 20 BBY Pierry was ordered to join a squad of Coruscant Guard to search the Coruscant Underworld for a jedi prisoner Ahsoka Tano who escaped the Republic military base. Under the command of CC-3636 Pierry found Tano along with Assajj Ventress on the Level 1312, with an order to arrest both of them but unable to do so as the two suspects damaged the squad's weaponry they were carrying, resulting in Pierry's attempt to catch both of them without his equipment which eventually failed. The entire squad had to recover before picking up the chase.

Pierry with his teammates aiming at Ahsoka Tano in the underground levels.
However the pursuit didn't take much longer and the squad was soon notified of a suspicious fight in a lower storage room in abandoned munitions warehouse. The squad along with Anakin Skywalker, Plo Koon and Commander Rex found Ahsoka where she was put under arrest by Commander Wolffe.
Rise of the Empire[]
In 19 BBY when Order 66 was executed, Pierry was ordered to secure the senate and surronding areas with a CG squad. As the order intended, every republic soldier killed any jedi on sight, Pierry was helping Commander Fox to secure the senate building when he alone sighted a young Jedi Padawan. Unnoticed by any of the CG personnel, Pierry walked towards the jedi just to find out it was Sarlo Tarwin from the academy hiding from the squad and preparing to strike. Without anyone watching, he approached the young jedi and put his helmet off. Sarlo totally paralyzed from what she just saw attempted to escape but Pierry eventually caught her hand and took her to the CG headquarters. Still without anyone knowing about his staus or location Fox tried to connect with Pierry by a radio. Without responding to the call, Pierry continued to the headquarters where Sarlo was taken to the docking bay, Pierry told the jedi to leave Coruscant in a starship somewhere safe and not to come back. Before the young jedi departed the planet, she was given the legendary Phoenix necklace by Pierry.

Sergeant Pierry Lop sometime before the beggining of the Galactic Civil War
Because Pierry preffered to be on the front lines to further motivate soldiers and help the imperial cause, he was assigned to Vader's Fist.
501st Legion[]
After full reassignment, Pierry started to quickly move up in the ranks. Quickly promoted to the rank Lieutenant, Pierry often raised the troop's morale by standing side by side to them in the front line in open battlefields. Thus Pierry was both criticized and admired by the Imperial High Command. Pierry was ordered to join Darth Vader's special squad to the planet of Murkhana where had been reports of disloyal clone troopers. The operation was successfull but three Jedi were allowed to escape. In this operation Pierry was awarded Imperial Army Commendation Ribbon for successfully chasing down and arresting disloyal clone commandos.